President’s Column (May 2021)
May 2021
Dear IACM colleagues,

Taya Cohen, President of IACM
I am looking forward to seeing you at our July conference. Though Zoom socializing does not quite match the fun of being together in person, I hope the convenience of being able to join the meeting in your slippers from your home office offsets some of the disappointment of not being together in person. Our IACM 2021 Conference Chair, Nazli Bhatia, is putting together a fantastic program, with incomparable support from IACM’s Executive Director, Brandon Charpied, who is coordinating our conference logistics to ensure a seamless experience for all—including those in Gabon, Trinidad, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong, the UK, and US, and all the many other countries in which the authors on our program this year are living. I am very much looking forward to attending, especially some of the special events planned for this year, including the first ever IACM 3-Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition and a special session with the winners of the IACM Outstanding Dissertation Award (Hemant Kekkar), the IACM Outstanding Publication Award (Nir Halevy, for his 2019 paper co-authored with Eliran Halali and Julian Zlatev titled Brokerage and brokering: An integrative review and organizing framework for third party influence, published in The Academy of Management Annals,, and the Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR) Outstanding Article of the Year Award (Dale Hample and Jessica Marie Hample for their 2020 article titled There is no away: Where do people go when they avoid an interpersonal conflict, Congratulations to all of them and our Lifetime Achievement Award winners, Max Bazerman and Maggie Neale! What an impressive group of scholars. The winners of the Early Career Award and the Outstanding IACM Conference Paper and Outstanding Conference Paper Authored by a Student will be announced soon as the award committees wrap up their deliberations.
Outside of conference planning activities, the IACM leadership team has continued our work toward making IACM a leader in the area of Open Access and Open Science. At the start of this year, we made the entire archive of NCMR articles freely available at the new NCMR website, hosted by Carnegie Mellon University’s Library Publishing Service ( All new and old NCMR articles are freely available to anyone in the world—no paywalls! You can download them from the new NCMR website. As a Diamond Open Access journal, authors do not pay to submit either. We are especially grateful to the Dispute Resolution Research Center (DRRC) at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and to Carnegie Mellon University’s Library Publishing Service for their generous support, without which we would not have been able to realize our vision of becoming the first Diamond Open Access journal in the world dedicated to negotiation and conflict management research. Thanks also to NCMR Editor-in-Chief, Qi Wang, for her and her team’s efforts in making this transition and continuing to publish rigorous, ethical, and impactful research on conflict and negotiation. NCMR is the flagship journal of IACM and I encourage you all to read, cite, and submit articles for publication in NCMR. Qi’s term as Editor-in-Chief of NCMR will be ending next year and we will be starting a search for NCMR’s next editor soon. If you have an interest in being considered for the position, please contact me and/or IACM’s Executive Director, Brandon Charpied, to let us know, and we would be happy to discuss the possibility with you and share your interest with the IACM Publications Committee (Niro Sivanathan, Noam Ebner, Cynthia Wang, and Zoe Barsness), who will be leading the search for NCMR’s next Editor-in-Chief.
Complementing NCMR’s Open Access move, on the Open Science front, IACM recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School to advance and promote the newly launched Negotiation Data Repository (NDR): The NDR is hosted by Harvard Dataverse and will serve as the world’s premier collection of qualitative and quantitative data on negotiation and conflict management, enabling advances in scholarship that would not otherwise be possible. IACM members Michael Yeomans and Nazli Bhatia are co-chairs of the IACM task force that is working on this initiative with Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld (Editor, Negotiation Journal) and Silvia Glick (Managing Editor, Negotiation Journal). Special thanks to them and all the IACM members who have and are continuing to facilitate this important initiative, including Jared Curhan, Alison Wood Brooks, Qi Wang, Jimena Ramirez, Cynthia Wang, Zoe Barsness, Niraj Kumar, and Brandon Charpied. We encourage all IACM members to consider contributing data to the NDR to help it grow and become the go-to open science repository for negotiation and conflict data. All data posted on the NDR is freely available, consistent with the terms of use set forth by Harvard’s Dataverse. If you are interested in learning more about the NDR and/or contributing data, please reach out to Nazli Bhatia and/or Michael Yeomans, both of whom would be happy to tell you more about what we are working on and answer any questions you may have.
Finally, I would like to end this column by congratulating IACM’s newly elected fellows, Michele Gelfand and Etty Jehn. Election as an IACM Fellow is the highest distinction that our community can bestow on our colleagues. This honor recognizes the exceptional contributions that each of them has made to theory and research in the area of negotiation and conflict management. Professors Gelfand and Jehn, you are an inspiration and we are fortunate to have you as members of our community.
To the entire IACM membership, I very much look forward to seeing each and every one of you this July on Zoom at our annual conference, and next July in Ottawa, and the July after that in Thessaloniki! Great times in store. See you then!
Best regards,
Taya Cohen
IACM President