Submission Guidelines

Guidelines for Preparing Your Submission

Submissions present new material, distinct from published works (including those that will appear in-print before the conference) and presentations at other conferences. We encourage submissions that contribute new knowledge and understanding to the broad area of negotiation and conflict. A variety of research methods are welcome, including theoretical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches. We also encourage innovative interdisciplinary submissions highlighting dialogue between theory and practice.

All submissions will be subject to blind review. Full paper and extended abstract submissions will be double-blind and all other formats single-blind review and should maintain their identifying information within the submitted paper.

Submissions should adhere to the style guidelines described in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, the Chicago Manual of Style, The Academy of Management Style Guide, or another style relevant to your field.

In the online submission portal, you will be asked to provide the following:

  • All author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
  • Identify which authors will present and/or attend, to the best of your knowledge as of the date of submission;
  • A commitment of each presenter to register by the early registration for presenters deadline and attend the conference should their submission be accepted;
  • Provide a brief 100-word description on how your submission is related to conflict/conflict management or negotiations, and select its relevance to any of these board tracks:
    • Communication Processes
    • Cultural and/or Generational Issues
    • Decision Making
    • Inequality, Racism, Sexism, and/or Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
    • Groups and Teams
    • Mediation, Arbitration, and/or Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Moral, Ethical, and/or Religious Issues
    • National, International, and/or Political Issues
    • Negotiation Processes
    • Organizational and/or Inter-organizational Issues
    • Teaching and/or Training
    • Technology, Machine Learning, and/or Artificial Intelligence
  • Identify up to three content area keywords and one methodological keyword;
  • Confirm that you have not submitted more than 3 submissions on which you are the lead author, or part of the same authorship team (regardless of lead author).
  • Confirm that you will present at the time, date, and format scheduled by IACM;
  • Identify if the first author is a student and whether this conference will be the student’s first IACM conference;
  • Respond to the call for reviewers inquiry in the submission form.

The corresponding author is responsible for notifying co-authors and other session participants about the acceptance or rejection decision, registration, and information concerning session format, location, and timing.


Submissions of Full Papers and Extended Abstracts

Full Papers: Full papers are limited to 30 pages double-spaced (including title page, abstract, references, tables, and figures), formatted according to guidelines set forth in the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Full paper submissions need to include an abstract no longer than 150 words. Full papers that make outstanding empirical, theoretical, or practical contributions to the field will be considered for IACM Conference Best Paper Awards. 

Extended Abstracts: These submissions include a maximum 1000 words describing the project in sufficient detail to allow reviewers to evaluate the work. Extended abstract submissions must also include a brief abstract, no longer than 150 words. Every effort will be made to include favorably reviewed submissions in the conference program; however, priority will be given to full papers. Extended abstracts will not be considered for conference awards.

Submission Guidelines: The uploaded submission must not include any author identifying information; include only the title and the abstract (150 words maximum) on the first page. All submissions must be in .pdf format, using the short title both as the file name and as a header in the upper right hand corner of the document. If accepted by the conference program committee, full papers and extended abstracts may be scheduled in a multi-paper traditional presentation, data blitz/rapid-fire presentation, or visual presentation (poster) session.


Symposia Submissions

Symposia: Symposia are focused sessions with multiple individual presentations that share a common theme and present diverse views and perspectives. Symposia organizers are expected to serve as discussants, linking the presentations and highlighting opportunities for future research.

To create a symposium, organizers need to submit a .pdf (using a short title of the symposium as the file name) of the proposal that includes the following information:

  • Cover page with the title and brief abstract (max 250 words) of the symposium, and the name/s of the organizer/s.
  • Header in the upper right hand corner of the document stating the submission type and short title, as follows: “SYMPOSIUM: short title.”
  • A short synopsis (max 1 page per paper) of each of the individual papers included in the symposium, including author names, author affiliations, title of the individual paper and a brief abstract (max 50 words per abstract).
  • Introduction (max 5 pages double-spaced, including all references, tables, and figures) outlining how these presentations fit together and contribute to a stimulating discussion.
  • The complete submission should be no longer than 10 pages in total.


Debates, Roundtables, Workshops, and Novel Format Sessions: Debates typically include a moderator and two teams, with one or two speakers on each team. Roundtable discussions typically involve a moderator or facilitator and a panel consisting of participants from a variety of different traditions or perspectives on an issue. Workshops are highly interactive, specialized sessions that focus on sharing new approaches related to teaching, research, or practice. Novel format sessions are innovative conference sessions that do not fit any of the above categories. Priority will be given to interdisciplinary submissions highlighting dialogue between theory and practice.

To create a debate, roundtable, workshop, or novel format submission, organizers need to submit a .pdf (using a short title of the forum as the file name) proposal with the following information:

  • Cover page with the title and brief abstract (250 words maximum) of the submission, and the name/s of the organizer/s.
  • A header in the upper right hand corner of the document stating the submission type and short title, for example as follows: “DEBATE: short title.”
  • An overview (max 3 pages double-spaced) of the session, its goals, contribution to the field, and value of the session to conference participants.
  • A list of the presenters, their affiliations, role in, and contribution to the session.
  • The complete submission should be no longer than 5 pages total.