2023 Call for Awards Nominations

The International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) solicits nominations for the following awards, to be distributed at the Association’s 36th Annual Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece. The deadline for all IACM award nominations is Friday, February 24, 2023. IACM awards are determined by designated committees, and all members who meet the criteria below are eligible. To review past recipients, please see here.
All nominations to the awards listed below can be made by clicking here.
We would like to once again congratulate those that received our IACM 2022 awards. You can read more about those award winners by clicking here.
- Rubin Theory-to-Practice Award: Deborah Kolb
- Early Career Award: Jackson Lu & Julian Zlatev
- Outstanding Book Award: Lisa Blomgren Amsler, Janet K. Martinez, and Stephanie E. Smith for their book, “Dispute System Design: Preventing, Managing, and Resolving Conflict.”
- Outstanding Publication Award: Mara Olekalns, Brianna Barker Caza, and Timothy J. Vogus for their article, “Gradual Drifts, Abrupt Shocks: From Relationship Fractures to Relational Resilience.”
- NCMR Article of the Year Award: Tim M. Stevens, Noelle Aarts, and Art Dewulf for their article, “Using Emotions to Frame Issues and Identities in Conflict: Farmer Movements on Social Media.”
- Technology Innovator Award: Michael Yeomans for “The Politeness Package in R.”
- Outstanding IACM Conference Paper Award: Jackson Lu for his paper, “Asians Don’t Ask? Relational Concerns, Negotiation Propensity, and Starting Salaries.”
2023 Awards Seeking Nominations
IACM Lifetime Achievement Award
The International Association for Conflict Management honors meritorious, long-standing, paradigm-shifting contributions to the study of conflict management and negotiation. Nominees’ careers should epitomize the goals and purposes of the association. The Lifetime Achievement Award is selected by a committee led by a past president of the IACM. For this award, we invite you to nominate a colleague; multiple nominations of the same colleague should be filed separately, and self-nominations are not accepted. Please submit an approximately three-paragraph summary outlining why you think the nominee is deserving of this award, along with the nominee’s CV and one paper exemplifying their contributions (please do not submit additional materials). All materials should be submitted to the awards committee by clicking here.
Early Career Award
The International Association for Conflict Management honors scholars in the first five years of their post-doctoral career who have shown exceptional promise for making significant contributions to the study of conflict management and negotiation. Nominees’ early careers should epitomize the goals and purposes of the association. Eligible nominees are those who received their PhD between 1/1/18 and 12/31/22. For this award, we invite you to nominate a colleague; multiple nominations of the same colleague should be filed separately, and self-nominations are not accepted. Please submit a one-page summary outlining why you think the nominee is deserving of this award, along with the nominee’s CV and one paper exemplifying their contributions (please do not submit additional materials). All materials should be submitted by clicking here.
IACM Outstanding Dissertation (completed in 2021 or 2022) Sponsored by the Kellogg School of Management’s Dispute Resolution Research Center (DRRC) – $500 Cash Award!
The International Association for Conflict Management honors the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation that significantly advances the study of conflict management and negotiation. The nominated dissertation should epitomize the goals and purposes of the association. Eligible dissertations are those completed between 1/1/21 and 12/31/22. For this award, we invite you to nominate a colleague’s dissertation; multiple nominations of the same dissertation should be filed separately. Self-nominations are also acceptable. Please submit an approximately three-paragraph summary outlining why you think the nominated dissertation is deserving of this award, along with a pdf copy of the full dissertation (please do not submit additional materials). Additionally, in your summary, please provide the full citation for any published articles or book chapters resulting from the dissertation. The recipient of this honor will receive a $500 award from the DRRC. Nominate a dissertation deserving of this recognition to the awards committee by clicking here.
IACM Outstanding Publication Award: Article or Book Chapter (published in 2021)
The International Association for Conflict Management honors the author(s) of a published article or book chapter that significantly advances the study of conflict management and negotiation. The nominated article or chapter should epitomize the goals and purposes of the association. Eligible articles and chapters are those published between 1/1/21 and 12/31/21 (final publication date, not online-first version). Nominations may have an empirical, theoretical, or practical focus. For this award, we invite you to nominate a colleague’s article or chapter; multiple nominations of the same article or chapter should be filed separately. Self-nominations are also acceptable. Please submit an approximately one-page summary outlining why you think the nominated article or chapter is deserving of this award, along with a pdf copy of the full manuscript (preferably the final version that appears in the journal or book; please do not submit additional materials). Additionally, in your summary, please provide the full citation for the nominated article or chapter. All materials should be submitted by clicking here.
Award winners will be notified prior to IACM 2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece so that they may make plans to ensure attendance at the awards ceremony.
If you have not yet submitted to IACM 2023, the Call for Papers deadline is February 12th. Be sure to review the Call for Papers and submit your paper before the deadline!