Update from the NCMR Editorial Office
Update From the Editorial Office
Michael Gross, Editor-in-Chief NCMR
Here is the latest from the Editorial Office. The current issue of NCMR has been available online since January (the February issue) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ncmr.2018.11.issue-1/issuetoc and includes 2 empirical studies “Do Past Perceptions Shape Future Behaviors? Subjective Value and Behavior Styles in a Multi-Round Negotiation” by Wenxue Lu, Wenhui Ren and Wenqian Guo and “Leadership Selection and Cooperative Behavior in Social Dilemmas: An Empirical Exploration of Assigned versus Group-Chosen Leadership” by Charles E. Naquin and Terri R. Kurtzberg and 3 articles on our ongoing series honoring the work of IACM’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipients: William Zartman, Dan Druckman, and Barbara Gray. NCMR 11:2 comes out online in April (the May issue) and is the first issue to honor the work of 4 IACM’s Jeffrey Z. Rubin Theory-to-Practice award recipients: Tricia Jones, Ellen Giebels, Linda Babcock, and Benjamin Broome. Be sure to check out all of these inspiring articles.
NCMR now has “Early View”. “Early View” allows articles accepted for publication to be published and available for free download and to be cited early prior to being assigned to a specific issue of NCMR. You can locate Early View articles on the main NCMR web page http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1750-4716/earlyview
Last summer, Wiley notified NCMR of bugs in the updated Scholar One platform. We want to recognize Mallory Wallace, NCMR’s editorial assistant, for her excellent work in managing these issues. Thank you, Mallory!
The Editorial team (Wendi Adair, Eric Neuman and myself) are happy to announce that NCMR is now included in Cabell Publishing, Inc. online database www.cabells.com.
NCMR is participating in a new philanthropic initiative along with Wiley our publisher that may be of interest to you. The program is called Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOALI). GOALI will contribute to further the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 16 relating to Access to Information and Access to Justice. GOALI will be the fifth program of Research4Life, a public-private partnership that aims to bridge the gap in scientific knowledge between industrialized countries and the developing world and we are proud to be part of it.
We ask our IACM community of scholars to promote the success of our journal:
Cite NCMR articles. Submit high-quality manuscripts to NCMR. Encourage your colleagues to submit high-quality manuscripts. See the current call for papers for special issues. Contact the editorial team with proposal for guest editing a special issue.
Citations are one factor that helps continually improve the impact factor of our journal. One easy way foreveryone who publishes in any journal to help IACM is to cite relevant NCMR articles.
To encourage you and your colleagues to submit high-quality work to NCMR, we are committed to a professional, developmental, and timely review process. The average time from submission to a first decision for NCMR is 59 days. Please send your manuscript and encourage your colleagues to submit to NCMR.
Together we can achieve extraordinary success supporting our individual scholarly efforts and our jointmission as a community of scholars of researchers and practitioners.
Wishing you the best, Michael Gross NCMR Editor-in-Chief