Pursuing Racial Justice and Inclusivity Through Engagement

Published by Brandon Taylor Charpied on

Plenary session at the vIACM conference, July 14, 2020: 

Speakers: Dolly Chugh (moderator), Sheryl Wilson, Martin Davidson, and Peter Coleman


List of resources cited:

  1. Coleman, P. T., Coon, D., Kim, R., Chung, C., Regan, B., Anderson. R., & Bass, R. (2017). Promoting constructive multicultural attractors: Fostering unity and fairness from diversity and conflict. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 53(2), 180-211. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886317702133


  1. Davidson, M., & Friedman, R. A. (1998). When excuses don’t work: The persistent injustice effect among Black managers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 43(1), 154–183. https://doi.org/10.2307/2393594


  1. Colorizing Restorative Justice, edited book. http://www.livingjusticepress.org/index.asp?SEC=%7BA4F47CC8-F442-437C-B33E-3F41DC21841A%7D With chapter by Sheryl Wilson: Calling out Whiteness


  1. http://www.bethroy.org/uploads/SMCR_Conversation_final.pdf Link to a paper: “A Conversation Between Conflict Resolution and Social Movement Scholars” by Beth Roy, John Burdick, and Louis Kriesberg (Sept 2009).


  1. http://www.dollychugh.com/ Dolly Chugh wrote the book, The Person You Mean To Be. She discusses when and why we are less ethical and egalitarian than we intend to be. Her newsletter is a five-minute read once a month, with actionable advice and free.


  1. https://participedia.net/method/4467 Kitchen Table Conversation Method: “A Kitchen Table Conversation is an informal meeting…can take place in someone’s home, a local cafe or in a business setting. KTCs are often used in conjunction with other methods as part of a wider community engagement process.”


  1. https://www.washington.edu/alumni/raceandequity/ Ralina L. Joseph, a professor at University of Washington, fosters discussions between alumni and students via a seminar course on Interrupting Privilege.


  1. https://icccr.tc.columbia.edu/resources/dialogue-facilitation-organizations/ A list of organizations throughout the U.S. who facilitate community dialogue and aim to bridge divides through their programs


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