Notice of Proposed Amendment on Membership

Addition to Article IV of IACM Constitution
Section 3. Termination of Membership. A membership shall terminate on the occurrence of any of the following events:
- Resignation of the member;
- Expiration of the period of membership without renewal;
- In the event that the member fails to renew his/her membership prior to the expiration date, the member may still reinstate the expired membership by way of renewing online. The one-year period will begin upon the date of reinstatement.
- Violation of the Association’s policies, rules, and expectations for appropriate conduct (heretofore referred to as the “Policy”)
- Termination of membership under the Constitution based on the good faith determination by a majority vote of the Board, or a committee or person authorized by the Board to make such a determination that, regardless of the time or place of the infraction, needn’t occur during Association operations, the member has violated the Association’s policies, rules, and expectations for appropriate conduct, or that the member has failed in a material and serious degree to observe the reasonable expectations of membership conduct, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the Association’s purposes and interests.
Section 4. Suspension of Membership. A member may be suspended, under Article IV, Section 3 of the Constitution, based on the good faith determination by the Board, or a committee or person authorized by a majority vote of the Board to make such a determination that, regardless of the time or place of the infraction (needn’t occur during Association operations) the member has violated the Policy, or that the member has failed in a material and serious degree to observe the reasonable expectations of membership conduct, or has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the Association’s purposes and interests. A person whose membership is suspended will not be considered a member during the period of suspension and will not be afforded membership rights as so defined in the Constitution.
Section 5. Procedure for Expulsion, Termination, or Suspension of Membership. If grounds appear to exist for suspending or terminating a member under Art. IV, Sections 3 or 4 of the Constitution, the following procedure shall be followed:
- The Board will give the member at least 15 days prior notice of the proposed expulsion, suspension, or termination, including the reasons for the proposed expulsion, suspension, or termination. Notice will be given by any method reasonably calculated to provide actual notice. Notice given by mail will be sent by certified or registered mail to the member’s last address as shown on the Association’s records.
- The members shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either orally or in writing, at least five (5) days before the effective date of the proposed suspension or termination. The hearing shall be held, or the written statement, considered by the Board, or by a committee or person authorized by the Board to determine whether the expulsion, suspension, or termination should occur.
- The member will have such options for contact, whether orally or written, designated in the certified or registered mailing.
- The Board, committee, or authorized person will decide whether the member should be suspended, expelled, or terminated from membership. The decision of the Board, committee, or authorized person will be final.
- Any action challenging an expulsion, suspension, or termination of membership, including a claim alleging defective notice, must be commenced in accordance with the respective statutes of limitations of the State of Illinois.