NCMR Special Issue Call for Papers: Global Conflicts and Local Resolution

Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR)
Special Issue Call for Papers

Global Conflicts and Local Resolution  

Submission Deadline: January 2020
Special Issue Editors: Chin-Chung Chao & Ming Xie, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Nowadays, conflict has been increasingly complex at both the global and local scale. On the one hand, conflict is becoming globalized in relation to the expansion of international markets, boundary-less environmental crisis, the revolution in communications and the media, the rise of international organizations, and developments of international law. The globalization process is fostering and leveraging the interconnectedness and interdependence across cultures and countries, as well as promoting divisive forces and chasm such as east vs. west, north vs. south, capitalism vs. communism. On the other hand, global conflicts are embedded and embodied within local cases. The local actors and local dynamics are crucial for understanding how global conflicts emerge, evolve, and can be resolved. In this special issue, we wish to broaden the topics exploring the intersection of globalization and localization of conflict management and the approaches to address global conflicts such as environmental conflict, cultural conflict, political conflict, and crisis negotiations.

We call for scholars to submit empirical and theoretical papers using qualitative and quantitative methodologies that offer innovative applications for conflict management and resolution including topics such as:

  • Case studies on how a specific global conflict emerges and evolves;
  • How global conflicts are identified, described, interpreted, and addressed by different people in relation to human thinking, cultural realities, institutions, and societies?
  • The role of information technology: web activism and global conflicts;
  • The intervention, mediation, and arbitration process of conflict management by different entities such as the state, private institutions, local actors, and international organizations;
  • The interaction and dynamics of global force and local impact on conflict management;
  • Content analysis on media coverage of global conflicts such as environmental issues, international trade, and political disputes;
  • Comparative analysis on conflict management within different cultures.

The call is also available at NCMR’s homepage: Please submit your manuscript by January 2020. Submit manuscripts online at: When submitting please be sure to click on the “Special Issue” submission link. Please carefully follow “author guidelines” when preparing your manuscript; for author guidelines and more information about submitting your manuscript go to:

Provisional Timeline:
Manuscript Submissions Due: January 2020
Initial Decisions: March 2020
First Round Revisions Due: May 2020
Final Manuscript Due: July 2020

Please direct topic ideas and special issue inquiries to guest editors: Chin-Chung Chao and Ming Xie; contact Qi Wang, NCMR Editor-in-Chief, at with inquiries about NCMR.

Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR) publishes articles that develop theory and report research on negotiation and conflict management across levels, including interpersonal conflict, intergroup conflict, organizational conflict, and cross-cultural conflict, across a range of domains including environmental conflict, crisis negotiations, and political conflict, as well as across a variety of approaches, including formal and informal third party intervention, mediation and arbitration. Impact factor: 1.189.