IACM Virtual Seminar Series Announcement

IACM is excited to announce a new, monthly on-line seminar series. This will be a way for us to share and discuss new ideas throughout the year – we don’t have to wait until the next conference! The sessions will be 45 minutes long, with 25 minutes for the speaker, and 20 minutes for Q&A.
We are lucky to have four volunteers to organize and moderate the sessions: Jiyin Cao (SUNY Stonybrook), Selin Kesebir (LBS), Jessica Li (Georgia Tech), and Michel Mann (Leuphana University). If you have any suggestions for speakers, feel free to contact them (their email addresses are listed below).
We will strive to have a wide range of speakers – scholars and practitioners, researchers with different methods, and speakers from all parts of the world.
The biggest challenge is the timing, since IACM members come from around the world. We tried to find times that work for people in North America, Europe, and Asia, but nothing is ideal. We came up with two different schedules. Schedule 1 is (we know) harder for members in Asia, and Schedule 2 (we know) is harder for members in Europe and US Eastern. We will try to balance between these, depending on the scheduling needs of speakers.
Schedule 1: 8 AM US Pacific, 11 AM US Eastern, 5 PM Amsterdam, 11 PM Singapore, 1 AM (next day) Melbourne.
Schedule 2: 8 PM US Pacific, 11 PM US Eastern, 5 AM (next day) Amsterdam, 11 AM (next day) Singapore, 1 PM (next day) Melbourne.
Upcoming Speakers and Dates
Our first talk will be by on October 14, by Professor Krishna Savani, Nanyang Technological University, using Schedule 2. The moderator will be Jiyin Cao. Pre-register for this session by clicking here.
Our second talk will be on November 1, by Professor Robert Livingson, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, using Schedule 1. The moderator will be Selin Kesebir.
Our third talk will be on December 10, by Professor Lindy Greer, University of Michigan, using Schedule 1. The moderator will be Jessica Li.
We will be sending out a separate email for each speaker, with registration instructions.
Moderator Emails
Jiyin Cao jiyincao@gmail.com
Selin Kesebir skesebir@london.edu
Jessica Li jessica.li@scheller.gatech.edu
Michel Mann michel.mann@leuphana.de