IACM Call for NCMR Editor-in-Chief

Dear IACM Members and Friends,
We are very grateful for the leadership of our current Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR) editor, Qi Wang, who has served for the past 3 years. Under her leadership, NCMR’s 5 Year impact factor stands at 1.56. NCMR continues to attract more and higher quality articles, and it is well-positioned for new leadership as Dr. Wang’s term as Editor-in-Chief ends August 2022.
We are now soliciting nominations for the next editor of NCMR. Self-nominations are also welcome. The appointment is for three years; the transition will begin in early 2022, and it will be completed by September 2022, when the new editor officially takes over. The new editor will be responsible for 3 years of volumes totaling 12 issues (four issues a year); the first issue the new editor will oversee is January 2023.
As an interdisciplinary journal, we welcome editors with expertise in communication, labor relations, law, organizational behavior, political science, psychology, sociology, and other related disciplines. This role is a great way to become more involved in IACM leadership and stay abreast of the latest conflict management scholarship.
You can find the IACM Call for Nominations for NCMR Editor form here. More information about editorial responsibilities is available upon request. Please feel free to nominate colleagues and share the call in your professional networks.
NCMR continues to grow in its success and reputation. We are excited about moving the journal into this next stage.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Niro Sivanathan, Zoe Barsness, Noam Ebner, Cynthia Wang
IACM Publications Committee