Update from the Editorial Office, May 2019

Update from the Editorial Office

Michael Gross, Editor-in-Chief NCMR

Here is the latest from the Editorial Office.  The Associate Editors, Wendi Adair, Eric Neuman, Editorial Assistant Mallory Wallace, and I are wrapping up our 4 years navigating Negotiation and Conflict Management Research at the end of 2019.  We have seen the journal grow from receiving 45 manuscripts per year to 90 manuscripts per year, with an impact factor of 0.250 to 1.086, and from 20,000 downloads to 40,000 downloads per year.  The 2019 journal statistics will be out in June and we will update how the journal is doing at that time.

In the first year of our editorial team we introduced Research Bundles on the Wiley-NCMR web site.  These are articles bundled together that are organized by a theme to help scholars locate relevant articles for their research.  The two we introduced previously are on interpersonal conflict https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/17504716/homepage/research_bundle_-_interpersonal_conflict.htm and intercultural https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/17504716/homepage/research_bundle_-_intercultural.htm  Due to the popularity of these research bundles we have added two new research bundles this year:  Gender and Conflict https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/17504716/homepage/research_bundle_gender_and_conflict  and Justice and Restorative Justice https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/17504716/homepage/research_bundle_justice_and_restorative_justice  Please take a look at these links.

Please check out the current issue of NCMR, a special issue with Guest Editors Jeanne Brett and Michele Gelfand “Big Questions for Negotiation and Culture Research” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17504716 The special issue presents 5 conceptual papers state of the art reviews and future research directions on trust, communication, emotion, inter-group conflict, and globalization.  A digest of the current issue and an earlier 2019 issue of NCMR appears in this issue of SIGNAL.

We are pleased to announce and introduce the new Editor-in-Chief of NCMR, Qi Wang from Villanova University.  This issue of SIGNAL will have a feature telling us more about Qi so be sure to check that out.  We are looking forward to Qi taking the reins of the journal along with her Associate Editors and Editorial Assistant, moving the journal forward and in a new direction.

Earlier in 2019 Brandon Charpied, Executive Director of IACM announced that your membership/login at IAfCM.org now provides you full direct access to Negotiation & Conflict Management Research (NCMR) at Wiley Online. There is no longer any need for an additional account/login at Wiley as complete access to our journal is now provided the very moment you register or renew your membership with IACM.  NCMR can now be accessed via the “NCMR Journal” header link on any page at IAfCM.org, and by clicking on the “NCMR Online Access” link. If you are not logged in upon clicking on that link, the page will provide you a login prompt and provide you immediate access upon logging in.

We look forward to our members benefiting from this new level and ease of accessibility of NCMR. As always, please do not hesitate to contact Brandon if you have any organization/technical questions.  Otherwise, happy reading and researching!

NCMR has joined in with Wiley regarding a partnership with DEAL for a countrywide deal in Germany to better address the growing research market and evolving needs of researchers. ‘Projekt DEAL’ is a consortium of German Libraries and Research Institutions that was commissioned by the Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany, represented by the German Rectors’ Conference, the HRK. DEAL represents nearly 700 mainly publicly funded academic institutions in Germany (such as universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutions, state and regional libraries), including the most important science and research organizations in Germany.

Wiley is the first publisher to sign a countrywide agreement that provides participating German institutions access to read Wiley’s portfolio of academic journals and enables researchers at those institutions to publish articles open access in Wiley’s journals.

Supporting NCMR and the new editorial team matters for our association and research community. Continuing to improve the impact factor is key to moving the journal forward.  We ask that in your current and future research projects that you cite NCMR.  Citing articles from the 2 and 5 most recent years contribute most to improving the impact factor.  We ask the IACM membership to take a look at the journal and cite articles relevant to your current research https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17504716  We ask that you submit your quality work to NCMR, the better manuscripts we receive the better articles we have to publish that will be cited and make an impact.  We can’t encourage you enough to cite and submit research to our journal.

We need the IACM membership to cite the journal and submit your work to keep our momentum going and the trajectory of our impact factor to increase from our most recent impact factor of 1.086.

We are looking forward to seeing you all once again in 2019 at the next IACM conference in Dublin!

