2022 Early Career Award Winners Announcement

IACM’s Early Career Award honors scholars in the first five years of their post-doctoral career, who have shown exceptional promise for making significant contributions to the study of conflict and negotiation. This year, the award goes to Jackson Lu (MIT) and Julian Zlatev (HBS). Both Jackson and Julian have done exceptionally important work.
Julian Slatev has published work that touches on key areas of conflict in society –communication, negotiation, trust, and selfishness. His work has appeared in PNAS, JAP, OBHDP, Psych Science, and AOM Annals. Professor Allison Wood Brooks, who nominated Julian for this award, adds some thoughts about Julian and his work:
As anyone who knows Julian can attest, despite his keen scholarly interest in self-interest, his colleagueship reflects the opposite: Julian is an incredibly generous and hard-working colleague. His research—on topics like third-party influence, the biases of choice architects, trust, moral self-regard, physician-patient communication, emotional acknowledgement, and the link between extraversion and listening—has already made a meaningful impact on the field of conflict management, and his contributions are accelerating. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Julian.
Jackson Lu has been prolific, with influential and important work that touches on key areas of conflict in society – race, negotiation, stereotypes, inter-cultural relations, and unethical behavior. As his nominator, Andrew Hafenbrack, put it “Jackson is a superstar” and the committee agrees. Jackson published over 25 papers, in journals such as Nature Human Behavior, PNAS, JAP, OBHDP, JPSP, and Psych Science. Professor Hafenbrack explains about Jackson:
He has made trailblazing contributions through two distinctive research streams: (1) Jackson has revealed a “Bamboo Ceiling” for East Asians in leadership attainment, starting salary, and academic performance in US business schools and law schools, thereby challenging the common belief that Asians are the “model minority” in the US. He has stimulated scholars and practitioners to pay more attention to Asians’ challenges in the workplace. (2) Jackson studies both the upsides and downsides of multicultural experiences, including creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, moral flexibility, self-concept clarity, and leadership effectiveness. He was named one of the 40 Best Business School Professors Under 40 by Poets and Quants and is a warm and supportive colleague.
Congratulations to Julian and Jackson!
Early Career Award Committee
Ray Friedman, Vanderbilt University (Chair)
Mara Olekalns, Melbourne Business School
Michael Schaerer, Singapore Management University
Maurice Schweitzer, The Wharton School