SIGNAL October 2017: Update from the Editorial Office
Update From the Editorial Office
Michael Gross, Editor-in-Chief NCMR

Michael Gross | NCMR Editor-in-Chief
Here is the latest from the Editorial Office. In Berlin at the IACM conference, we held a 90 minute novel session NCMR Experts and Junior Scholars Share a Table: Mentoring on the Nuances of Successfully Publishing Research with esteemed colleagues Wendi Adair, Bruce Barry, Hillary Anger Elfenbein, and Simone Moran. This Novel Format Session invited doctoral students and junior scholars to discuss their research and publication challenges. Our expert panel provided feedback, guidance and advice on specific questions on a current research project, on conducting research, and on publishing. We had 40 participants who provided a high level of lively interaction with our panelists.
Since the conference in Berlin, the August and current issue of NCMR became our first on Conceptual Reviews. Conceptual review articles are high-impact scholarly surveys of important research literatures that summarize recent research, provide integration of the literature, and highlight important directions for future. The four articles appearing in this special issue cover a broad range of topics including emotion and deception, Jewish-Arab community peace building, restorative justice and communication, and anger through the lens of attribution theory. Check out these excellent articles at
The November and forthcoming issue of NCMR is a special issue on The Nexus of Negotiation Theory, Research, Teaching and Practice. Jennifer Parlamis and Noam Ebner are the Guest Editors of this special issue which is expected to be online in late October. This special issue was inspired by Benjamin Broome’s keynote address at the International Association for Conflict Management’s annual conference in 2016, after being awarded the Jeffrey Z. Rubin Theory to Practice Award. This award recognizes a scholar who has made important professional contributions at the nexus of theory, research and practice Using practice to inspire theory and research, or linking theory and research to build new practice techniques are key to advancing the negotiation field. In this special issue, the Guest Editors suggest a new paradigm for writing on negotiation and conflict management that integrates theory, research, practice and teaching. While there might be an implicit understanding that such integration is key to advancing the field, they make this explicit. Highlighting the critical aspects of this relationship, the Guest Editors call for a four-dimensional approach to writing in the negotiation and conflict management field and suggest that adopting such systematic and intentional exploration of all four dimensions should be the default approach to writing on negotiation and conflict management topics. Read more about this forthcoming special issue and other great NCMR articles at
Be sure to check out the current Call for Papers found in this issue of SIGNAL. The first, Culture and Communication in Negotiation and Conflict Management is Guest Edited by Wendi Adair and the second is for another issue on Conceptual Reviews to be published in 2018.
Thank you for your continuous support for NCMR. The Associate Editors Wendi Adair, Eric Neuman, Editorial Assistant Mallory Wallace, and I thank you for your excellent reviews and manuscripts submitted ensuring the quality of articles published in NCMR and the constructive feedback for our manuscripts. We are having a rewarding experience serving on the journal for IACM and are grateful for the opportunity to do so. Finally, we all need to be taking action to increase the impact factor and visibility of NCMR. Two actions you can take: (1) please cite the journal in your current work, ask your graduate students to cite NCMR, and suggest to your colleagues to cite NCMR; there are 10 years of excellent research that have been published, please cite our journal; and (2) please submit high quality manuscripts to NCMR. Taking these steps are constructive actions toward ensuring the journal’s continued success.
We are looking forward to seeing you all once again in 2018 at the next IACM conference in Philadelphia!