Notice on IACM 2021

Dear IACM colleagues,
It has been nine difficult months since COVID-19 first began impacting us around the globe. In that time, within our own academic community, we have seen institutional budgets decreased, travel budgets eliminated, and travel restrictions placed not just from within our institutions, but between many nations.
The pandemic forced us to cancel what was to be a wonderful conference in the charming downtown of Charleston, South Carolina back in July. Since even before Charleston, many of us set our sights on Thessaloniki, Greece – a thriving and growing city driven by its artistic culture. Beautiful days within the Makedonia Palace Hotel overlooking the Aegean Sea, and exciting nights in the vibrant city streets.
After much research and discussion, we have decided that it is best for IACM and our conference attendees for us to opt once again for a virtual conference. However, the consolation in this change is that we have been able to rebook the Makedonia Palace Hotel for July 9-12, 2023! This means that in 2022 we will be headed to Ottawa, Canada (July 10 – 13, 2022) and in 2023 we will [finally] be in Greece!
Virtual IACM (vIACM) will be hosted from July 12th – 14th, 2021 with opening statements and ceremonies held on Sunday, July 11th. The final touches on the Call for Papers and in our submission system are being tended to reflect these changes to conference plans and will be distributed shortly.
We will begin accepting submissions on Monday, November 30th, with a submission deadline of Monday, February 15th.
We know how much everyone was looking forward to Thessaloniki, as too were we. However, on the heels of what was a tremendously successful 2020 virtual conference, we will be putting our resources and every effort forth toward 2021 topping it!
Be on the lookout for the Call for Papers at, on our discussion list, Facebook Group, and Twitter!
International Association for Conflict Management
(843) 855 – 0301