[IACM List] Effectiveness of Negotiation Trainings: Seeking Unpublished Studies

Sondern, Dominik d.sondern at uni-muenster.de
Thu Apr 11 08:06:39 MDT 2019

Dear colleagues,

Our research team from the University of Münster (Germany) is finalizing a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of negotiation trainings. We have completed a comprehensive search of the published literature, coded the included articles, and are now searching for unpublished studies to include in our meta-analysis. We are interested in any study measuring the effectiveness of a negotiation training. In specific, we are looking for experimental negotiation training studies using a pre-post or a factorial design with a no-training control group to allow a comparison of trained with untrained negotiators. With regard to dependent variables, we are interested in variables reflecting learning, negotiation skills or negotiation success (including but not limited to economic negotiation outcomes, socio-emotional negotiation outcomes, negotiation behavior, and negotiation knowledge).

If you have unpublished data that you are willing to share, we would be grateful. Of course, your work will be cited in our study. If the full paper is not available, we would be happy to send you a short questionnaire. To send your paper or request the short questionnaire, please contact Dominik Sondern (d.sondern at uni-muenster.de<mailto:d.sondern at uni-muenster.de>). Thank you in advance for your consideration of our request.
Kind regards
Dominik Sondern

Research team:
Dominik Sondern, M.Sc. (d.sondern at uni-muenster.de<mailto:d.sondern at uni-muenster.de>)
Dr. Christoph Nohe
Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel
Anna Santos Schepers, B.Sc.
Dustin Witte, B.Sc.

Dominik Sondern, M. Sc. Psychology
Research Assistant

Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster
Organizational- and Business Psychology
Fliednerstr. 21 | 48149 Münster | Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 251 / 83-34136
Mail: d.sondern at uni-muenster.de<mailto:d.sondern at uni-muenster.de>
Web: http://www.uni-muenster.de/OWMS/en/

DFG Research Training Group 1712 "Trust and Communication in a Digitalized World"
Domplatz 6|48143 Münster| Germany

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