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IACM 2024

IACM 2024 Abstract Book »

Latent Ally Opportunities: How Target Frame of Reference Affects Decision to Speak Up

Abstract: In the current work, we are interested in understanding how potential allies decide whether and how to act in response to witnessing an act of prejudice or discrimination in their organization, or in other words, when given a latent ally opportunity. We build on the voice literature to understand how different frames of reference—that is, who they are thinking about - influence whether and how potential allies choose to speak up. We suggest that one’s frame of reference shifts the voice calculus during latent ally opportunities by re-orienting people away from themselves and their own fears/inhibitions and motivates people toward engaging in the ally behavior (i.e., speaking up).

Keywords: Allyship; Reducing Prejudice; Voice

Claire Malcomb, Cornell University (United States)

Elizabeth McClean, Cornell University (United States)

Chade Darby, Cornell University (United States)

Merrick Osborne, UC Berkeley (United States)


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