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Beyond prepared: A multi study investigation of how fostering negotiator resilience mitigates identity threat effects
Abstract: We investigate two conceptualizations of resilience, trait and state-like, as critical factors for both reducing the experience of identity threat in negotiations as well as mitigating the negative effects on a subsequent negotiation. In a first study, we find that negotiators with higher trait resilience experience less identity threat, which in turn improves their individual economic outcome (Study 1). We extend and replicate these findings by priming state-like resilience in negotiators (Study 2) and find that negotiators secured a better outcome for themselves in the negotiation. Finally, in a diary study over ten days with negotiation professionals, we confirm that negotiators who report greater trait resilience experience less identity threat, but also are able to minimize the negative spillover of a suboptimal negotiation by diminishing the negative influence of the threatened identity on subsequent negotiation outcomes (Study 3).
Keywords: negotiation; resilience; identity threat
Topic: NEG | Format: Full Paper