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International Association for Conflict Management

IACM 2018 Abstract Book »

(In)Visible Women: When Sports Arenas Become Battlegrounds for Gender Equality

This paper discusses the key socio-economic and political drivers of inequalities faced by women and girls in sports around the world. The paper employs multiple case studies from developing and developed countries, as well as a range of women’s sports (soccer, cricket, judo etc.) and the corresponding regulatory authorities (FIFA, International Olympic Committee etc.) to illustrate the spectrum of inequalities faced by female athletes (pay inequity, sexual harassment, and unequal and unsafe playing conditions). Additionally, the paper highlights barriers faced by female spectators in certain countries, who are denied equal opportunities to access public spaces such as sports arenas, parks and training facilities. The paper identifies the major deficiencies in legal and governance structures and policies adopted by the various countries and regulatory bodies that create and sustain these inequalities, and makes recommendations on ways to improve the access and safety of women and girls as athletes and spectators globally.

Hadia Sheerazi  |
Columbia University
United States


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