[IACM List] Call for Proposals: Star Wars and Conflict Resolution, Episode II
Ebner, Noam
NoamEbner at creighton.edu
Thu Jan 12 12:56:58 MST 2023
Pop quiz: “What’s the most Star Wars-iest thing of all?”
A sequel, of course.
So, here we go, with a call for chapter proposals<https://www.starwarsconflictresolution.com/call-for-chapter-proposals-swcr-episode-ii> for Star Wars & Conflict Resolution: Episode II
Jen Reynolds and I are so grateful for the enthusiasm and support we've received from IACM members, throughout the writing process and over the past few weeks since the publication of Star Wars and Conflict Resolution<https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Conflict-Resolution-Alternatives/dp/1734956224>. Several members have authored chapters in the book, and we hope some of you will consider sharing the joys of book-work with us in the sequel. With the first book out, it’s much easier, this time around, to get a picture of the types of topics that fit and what writing for the book actually entails.
Join us, and we’ll rule the galaxy together, etc. We can’t wait to see your ideas!
One more thing: while Star Wars is our launch point, we’re just getting started here. We hope to create other books hitching the wagon of conflict management to engines provided by movies, TV shows, and other pop-culture items, for the purposes of carrying some of the helpful knowledge of the field out to the general public. If you’re not into Star Wars, but would be happy to write something about “X and Conflict Resolution”, please write me (off-list) and tell us what your favorite “X” would be. We’re keeping lists.
Meanwhile, may the force shine brightly on us all -
Noam Ebner
Professor of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Articles on SSRN<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=425153>
Star Wars & Conflict Resolution (DRI Press, 2022) on Amazon<https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Conflict-Resolution-Alternatives/dp/1734956224> SW&CR Twitter<https://twitter.com/StarWarsConRes> SW&CR Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/StarWarsAndConflictResolution> Watch SW&CR at DragonCon<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHgfRJj0A3A>
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