[IACM List] New book: Star Wars and Conflict Resolution

Ebner, Noam NoamEbner at creighton.edu
Fri Dec 16 12:20:29 MST 2022

Hello there, IACM!

I hope you're all having, or about to begin, a wonderful holiday season.

I’m writing to share news of a new book, and also celebrate a milestone in a project I began four years ago in which many IACMers have been involved.


In Star Wars and Conflict Resolution<https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Conflict-Resolution-Alternatives/dp/1734956224>, my co-editor Jen Reynolds and I bring together 25 conflict experts to put the Star Wars movies under the lens of the negotiation, conflict, and conflict resolution fields.

Star Wars, as never seen before! But you don't need to be a Star Wars expert in order to enjoy the book. In exploring characters, scenes, dialogs, and fights in that galaxy far far away, the authors share many insights about conflict in our own world, including new topics yet to be addressed in the conflict and negotiation literature.

I’ve presented on pop-culture and conflict resolution several times at IACM, and at last year’s conference in Ottawa Jen and I virtually joined chapter authors Deb Cai and Adrian Borbely to present on the project and the book. Several other IACM members have also authored chapters! Our overall purpose is to use popular culture as a vehicle for advancing the general public’s conflict literacy and fluency, reaching out to all those people who will never be in our classrooms. And still, I learned so much from each of the authors’ takes or analyses, so I know to say that there is something in here for those of you who have been in this field for decades.

The book is available for purchase here<https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Conflict-Resolution-Alternatives/dp/1734956224>.

It’s not often I get to have IACM on the line, so I’ll use the moment to say I hope things are going well for you all, in conflict management and beyond. I wish you all and your families a wonderful holiday season; lots of laughter, lots of rest. If you can only manage one of those, grab it with both hands and hold on tight. I hope to talk Star Wars with you in Thessaloniki. Or, if you prefer, I’ll let you choose the topic.

Take good care all – Noam

Noam Ebner
Professor of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Articles on SSRN<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=425153>
Current Projects:

  *   Star Wars & Conflict Resolution<https://www.starwarsconflictresolution.com/>    SW&CR on Twitter<https://twitter.com/StarWarsConRes>    SW&CR on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/StarWarsAndConflictResolution>     Watch SW&CR at DragonCon<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHgfRJj0A3A>
  *   The Human Touch in ODR: Trust, Empathy and Social Intuition in Online Negotiation and Mediation<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3760782>

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