[IACM List] Reminder – IOBC 2020 – Power, Leadership, and Ethics in Organizations
Ori Weisel
oriw at tauex.tau.ac.il
Sun Jun 9 18:24:16 MDT 2019
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This is a gentle reminder that registration for IOBC 2020 is under way. The deadline for submitting your work is July 1st. See details below.
5th Israel Organizational Behavior Conference (IOBC)<https://en-coller.tau.ac.il/sites/coller-english.tau.ac.il/files/media_server/Recanati/management/IOBC/2020/IOBC%202020%20CFP_2.pdf>
Date: January 5-7, 2020
Submission deadline: July 1st, 2019
Website: https://en-coller.tau.ac.il/conference/iobc
Submission: https://en-coller.tau.ac.il/conference/iobc/submission-registration-form
Theme: Power, Leadership, and Ethics in Organizations
Organizers: Dr. Ori Weisel, Tel Aviv University (Conference Chairperson)
Einat Yaor, Tel Aviv University (Conference Chairperson)
Prof. Peter Bamberger, Tel Aviv University
Dr. Arik Cheshin, Haifa University
Dr. Shoham Choshen-Hillel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Ronit Kark, Bar-Ilan University
Dr. Simone Moran, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Prof. Anat Rafaeli, Technion
Following the success of previous Israel Organizational Behavior Conferences (IOBC), we are pleased to announce the call for papers for the fifth IOBC. It will be held at Tel Aviv University on January 5-7, 2020. Sponsored by Tel Aviv University, The Hebrew University, Ben-Gurion University, and the Technion, and co-sponsored by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) and Academy of Management Discoveries, the fifth conference will focus on power, leadership, and ethics in organizations.
The tentative program features Barry Staw, Maurice Schweitzer and Deanne den Hartog as keynote speakers. IOBC will offer a unique opportunity to explore recent developments and new directions in power, ethics and leadership in organizations. The conference will provide numerous opportunities to share work-in-progress, get feedback, and interact with leading scholars in the field to forge fruitful and on-going collaborations.
Across history and cultures, power, leadership, and ethics remain ubiquitous features of organizational dynamics. Early work on power and antisocial/unethical behavior set the stage for a body of work portraying a complex picture linking power to reduced empathy and compassion, decreased justice concerns, increased aggression, and (self-serving) dishonesty, but also to amplified moral impulses, reduced immoral behavior that involves others, and possibly to higher levels of organizational citizenship behavior by followers. In light of corporate scandals and the current leadership crisis, it is particularly important to understand ethical aspects of leadership as exemplified in the study of ethical, spiritual, authentic, inclusive, transformational and abusive leadership, and, more generally, understanding the interplay between power, leadership and ethics, as well as the conditions that amplify positive outcomes and dissipate negative outcomes. Numerous aspects at the intersection of power, leadership and ethics are poorly understood, and many questions remain unexplored.
We welcome submissions relating to the themes of power, leadership, and ethics in organizations. We invite research with different methods (quantitative and qualitative), levels of analysis (individual, group, organization, society) and disciplines, including organizational behavior, management, psychology, economics, political science, and sociology. We particularly encourage studies that relate to a combination of two or more of the conference’s themes. Examples of questions and issues that submissions may examine are:
• How do organizational climate, culture, norms, and values affect the relationship between power and ethics?
• How can we prevent the misuse of corporate power and what interventions can be used to respond to unethical actions of others?
• How do power and ethics interact in affecting decision-making processes at the individual and organizational levels?
• How are power and ethics in organizations influenced by shifts in the nature of political discourse in the broader society?
• What causes normally ethical employees and managers to transgress?
• When and why is power conferred to people with questionable ethical standards, and what causes followers to support or turn a blind eye to leaders’ ethical transgressions?
• What is the role of emotion in organization members’ perceptions of and reactions to ethical and unethical leadership?
• What are the contextual and individual differences that affect the tendency to become ethical leaders and the propensity to label leader behaviors as (un)ethical?
• Do ethical leaders lead to better functioning and more satisfied employees?
• What are the positive and negative effects of (in)congruence between employee and leader ethical values?
• Can unethical behavior yield unanticipated positive consequences? Under what circumstances can ethical leadership be counterproductive?
• How do negative (e.g., abusive) and positive (e.g., ethical) forms of leadership differ in terms of follower performance, loyalty, and well-being?
• How do low-, middle-, and top-level leaders differ in values, perceptions, and beliefs regarding organizational power and ethics?
Call for papers and Symposia
Primary consideration will be given to submissions (individual papers or symposia; symposia should comprise no more than four studies) relating to the conference theme. However, we also encourage the submission of high quality papers and symposia on more general topics in Organizational Behavior for presentation in the conference’s general/OB track.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals (2-3 page abstract for a paper, 9-10 page proposal for a symposium) can be conceptual or empirical, quantitative or qualitative. Published papers or papers accepted for publication prior to the submission deadline should NOT be submitted. Submissions will go through a double blind review process and will be evaluated on the basis of scientific rigor, relevance, and contribution to the field of organizational behavior. Paper and symposia proposals should be uploaded in Word or PDF format to the conference website (see below).
The Submission Section of the IOBC website<https://en-coller.tau.ac.il/conference/iobc> will be available until July 1st, the deadline for online submissions of abstracts and symposium proposals. Decision letters will be sent by the end of September 2019, indicating whether the submission has been accepted, and if so, for what presentation form (i.e., paper or poster). Authors of accepted papers (whether part of a symposium or individually submitted) will be required to register for the conference by November 15th, 2019.
Conference Format
The conference will open with a welcome reception on the evening of January 5th, and will feature several keynote addresses by leading scholars, as well as themed, interactive sessions which will offer authors the opportunity to present their papers interactively and discuss them with the participants. In each session, authors will be given 15 minutes to present and a discussant will offer integrative critique and suggestions.
Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium
A Doctoral Student and Junior Faculty Consortium will take place on January 5th. Participants will enjoy the opportunity to discuss their research in an informal and collegial atmosphere, and receive feedback from top scholars and editors of leading journals.
The consortium will consist of two career development sessions and an editorial panel session, followed by round-table discussions of participants’ work-in-progress. Participants wishing to receive personal feedback on a working paper can submit a short draft of their work when they register for the consortium as long as they do so by the registration deadline.
IOBC Best Paper Award
Selected papers will be nominated as finalists for the IOBC Best Paper Award. Finalists will be asked to submit a full paper for an additional blind-review process. The winner of the Best Paper Award will receive a $500 cash prize. The winning paper will be announced in the concluding session of the conference.
Conference Location and Accommodation
IOBC 2020 will be held at the Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University, in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Conference hotels will offer special rates. Details regarding accommodations will be posted on the conference website.
Family Friendly Conference
With the winter in full swing in many parts of the world, Israel’s mild weather combined with its fabulous tourist attractions is perfect for bringing your family along.
Conference Registration & Fees
Registration will open in October, 2019.
Early registration fee: $200 (available until November 15, 2019)
Early registration fee for students: $100* (must provide valid student ID)
Late registration fee: $250 (from Nov. 16 and on-site)
Late registration fee for students: $150 (must provide valid student ID)
*Students from one of the sponsoring schools may be eligible for further discounts on a first come, first served basis.
Cancellations on or before December 5th 2019 are subject to refund minus a 20% cancellation/processing fee. Unfortunately, after this date, no refunds are possible. 'No shows' are non-refundable.
Dr. Ori Weisel
Organizational Behavior Program
Coller School of Management
Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 6997801
Tel +972-3-6408195
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