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IACM 2024

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Reactions To Electronic Communication After Work: The Roles of Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior


Xin Chen Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China

Wei Si School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University

Chu-Ding Ling Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China

Abstract: The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) causes more communication (i.e., work-related contacts) after work from supervisor. This study aimed to advance the understanding of the potential counterproductive outcomes of electronic communication after work. Drawing on the appraisal theory of emotion, we proposed a model linking it with two performance-related behaviors (i.e., work effort and spending time on nonwork tasks at work [STNT]) via subordinates’ annoyance. We further explored the moderating role of family supportive supervisor behavior (FSSB) at dimensional level. A multi-source experience sampling method study showed that electronic communication after work was positively related to STNT the next day via annoyance during nonwork time. In addition, two FSSB dimensions – instrumental support and creative work-family management – exhibited opposite moderating effects. Our work deepens the understanding of electronic communication after work, FSSB, and the roles of discrete emotions in the workplace.

Track: TECH

Keywords: Electronic communication after work; annoyance; family supportive supervisor behavior; work effort; spending time on nonwork task



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