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IACM 2024

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Why Use The Ntr Peer Feedback Tool For Student Learning and Research


Holly Schroth University of California, Berkeley; NTR
United States

Abstract: This presentation delves into the transformative impact of the NTR Peer Feedback tool on students' negotiation skills, offering a nuanced understanding of their behaviors in negotiation exercises. Traditional assessments often fall short in capturing the specific behaviors contributing to negotiation outcomes. In response, Peer Feedback emerges as a vital mechanism, providing detailed insights, fostering self-reflection, and encouraging positive reinforcement. In contrast to the limitations of AI feedback, primarily confined to online interactions and offering generalized insights, Peer Feedback stands out for its versatility across various negotiation settings. The NTR Peer Feedback tool serves as a comprehensive aggregator of student feedback, generating detailed reports that include actionable behavioral insights. This approach not only facilitates a thorough self-assessment but also contributes to a dynamic learning environment focused on continuous improvement.

Track: TEACH

Keywords: Peer Feedback, Negotiation Teaching, Student Learning



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