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IACM 2024

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Mirror, Mirror On My Screen: How Self-View Affects Dishonest Behavior In Online Video Negotiations.


Yvette Woltman University of Amsterdam

Joris Demmers University of Amsterdam

Alfred Zerres University of Amsterdam

Abstract: Online videoconferencing negotiations, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have thrived in the past decade. Online video negotiators consistently face their own self-view (a common feature to see one’s own webcam preview). This research proposes and empirically demonstrates that self-view increases negotiator’s self-awareness. Three online video negotiation experiments, one distributive (N = 84) and two integrative (N = 250, N = 410) revealed that when self-view was enabled (vs. disabled), negotiators exhibited less deceptive behavior. In Experiment 3, we collected additional eye-tracking data throughout the video negotiations to deepen our understanding of this mechanism.

Track: MORAL

Keywords: self-view, dishonesty, honesty, self-awareness, online negotiations, eye-tracking data



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