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IACM 2024

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Fake But Fit: The Effect of Presented Calling Orientation On Recruiter Perceptions


Kelly Nault IE Business School
Orcid: 0000-0001-6987-355

Winnie Jiang INSEAD

Abstract: There is increasing emphasis on following one’s professional calling, work that provides meaning via personal fulfillment and the opportunity for societal contributions. This contrasts a “job orientation” whereby people find meaning in work that provides material support. We argue that recruiters evaluate candidates presenting themselves as possessing a calling orientation more favorably, albeit as less authentic, than those presenting a job orientation. Across five experiments (total N = 1,613), calling- (vs. job-) oriented candidates were perceived to be less authentic but have greater self-monitoring abilities, indirectly eliciting higher performance expectations and hiring intentions. Candidates presenting a calling orientation are seen as fake yet fit. We additionally tested two interventions to increase the favorability of both job and calling-oriented candidates. Calling-oriented candidates who conveyed signals supporting the credibility of their calling orientation increased perceptions of their authenticity. Job-oriented candidates indicating they liked their work increased perceptions of their self-monitoring abilities.

Track: COMM

Keywords: Calling orientation, job orientation, impression management, authenticity, self-monitoring



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