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IACM 2024

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Teaching and Research In Negotiation and Ob Using Ai


Niraj Kumar iDecisionGames
Puerto Rico

Abstract: This session will focus on using AI in teaching and research. The session will present examples of how faculty have used AI in their teaching and research in the spring of 2024 and how they plan on using it in the Fall of 2024. The session will showcase the following hands-on examples (where participants do each of the following) 1. Design an AI case with multiple roles where 1 role is played by an AI. 2. Design an AI agent and run it against another AI in a role play scenario. 3. Design an AI negotiation experiment where bots are paired with other bots and results are instantly available to analyze 4. Design an AI OB exercise. 5. Experiment with analyzing data produced by experiments in real-time using AI. 6. Explore the use of AI in text, audio, video analysis. 7. Explore the use of AI in providing feedback based on negotiation or other multi-party interaction transcripts (text, audio, video). 8. Explore the use of AI as personalized tutors to level the playing field for students from diverse backgrounds. 9. Explore the current state of AI as of the IACM conference.

This session will be hands-on and participants will learn how to design AI agents, AI based exercises and AI experiences for their teaching and research.

Track: TECH

Keywords: AI



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