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IACM 2024

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Google-Nest Merger: Accessibility As A Workplace Shift


Theresa Klepper Columbia University
United States

Abstract: During a merger competition and uncertainty rise. As a result, groupthink heightens and a variety of social pressures inhibit communication. Furthermore, in an attempt to process the threat of change, people cling to their pre-formed identities to a deeper degree. Therefore, the divides between people grow and the misunderstandings become more frequent. This type of environment is especially difficult for an employee with a disability. In this case study research project, I explored the question: what are the covert processes pressuring employees with disabilities to work within institutional ableism and how does a merger specifically exacerbate these? I discovered that due to the competitive environment and specific dependencies on the job, pressure and expectations feel more intense and the employee may worsen their condition due to trying to meet the social demands and keep their job.

Track: ORG

Keywords: accessibility, social-organizational psychology, inclusion, belonging



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