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IACM 2024

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Smooth-Talking Bots: Ai Negotiators Make Better Impressions


David Fang Stanford Graduate School of Business
United States
Orcid: 0009-0000-8119-4246

Mohammed Alsobay MIT Sloan
United States

Abdullah Almaatouq MIT Sloan
United States

Jared Curhan MIT Sloan
United States

Abstract: Employing an online experiment and chatbot built using GPT-4, we conducted 203 trials of a distributive bargaining simulation (N= 231) across a variety of conditions that systematically manipulated the AI chatbot's warmth and dominance, assessing how objective and subjective negotiation outcomes differed between human vs. human and human vs. chatbot negotiation conditions. Results indicated no significant differences in objective outcomes across conditions. However, subjective value reported by the human was higher when facing chatbots than when facing other humans. The study highlights the impact of AI on negotiation dynamics, offering insights into human perceptions and behaviors when interacting with AI counterparts.

Track: NEG

Keywords: AI, Negotiations, Experiments, Chatbot, Subjective Value



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