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IACM 2024

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The Contextual Effect of Grandiose Narcissism On Status Conflict In Groups


Wiley Wakeman Stockholm School of Economics
Orcid: 0000-0003-0913-6214

Randall Peterson London Business School
United Kingdom
Orcid: 0000-0002-4582-4690

Yang Zhao London Business School
United Kingdom

Abstract: In two studies, we investigate when and how grandiose narcissism personality incites and prohibits status conflict in groups. Study 1 found that in groups that reward agentic outcomes, agentic narcissists are more likely to cause status conflicts in groups, and communal narcissists are more likely to reduce status conflicts. Study 2 found the opposite effects in groups that value communal outcome over agentic ones. Taken together, these findings shed lights on how personality and contextual alignment affect status conflict in groups. Contributions and limitations of the studies are discussed.

Track: TEAM

Keywords: grandiose narcissism, status conflict, contextual alignment.



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