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IACM 2024

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Beyond The Negotiation Table: Decoding Strategic Moves In Cross-Cultural Settings


Sabrina Marx University of Hohenheim

Nina Weinmann University of Hohenheim

Markus Voeth University of Hohenheim

Abstract: Successful negotiations are not solely determined by interactions happening at the negotiation table, but also by those taking place outside of the formal setting. Nevertheless, western negotiation cultures often overlook this aspect. While focusing on optimizing performance in formal negotiation settings, they miss out on opportunities to enhance their position through off-table interactions. Those opportunities encompass building relationships, understanding preferences, establishing trust, as well as obtaining early concessions. Furthermore, neglecting informal sceanrios in cross-cultural settings can be problematic since negotiations, influenced by diverse cultural values, regularly extend beyond the formal environment. Certain cultures for example may avoid even entering into a formal negotiation until a personal connection has been established first. Others might use informal scenarios to revisit certain issues away from the negotiation table. To get a better understanding of those cross-cultural differences, our study investigates strategies used by negotiators beyond the negotiation table, aiming for offering strategic advantages in negotiations.


Keywords: beyond the negotiation table, negotiation strategies, cross-cultural behavior, negotiation process, communication



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