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IACM 2024

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How do Conservative Ideologies Influence Humanization of Organizations?


Vanessa Sa Cornell University
United States

Abstract: In an era marked by organizations’ heightened socio-political consciousness and discussions of corporate personhood, how do organizations’ conservative ideologies shape the extent to which people perceive them as possessing human-like qualities? Across three experiments, we find that right-leaning and religious companies are perceived as possessing fewer human traits when compared to liberal and no-ideology ones. This is because people perceive these organizations as more inflexible. Our work deepens the understanding of the factors that increase humanization of organizations. We also contribute to both academic discourse and practical implications for organizations seeking to navigate the evolving landscape of public perception in an increasingly politicized business environment.

Track: POLI

Keywords: Corporate personhood, humanization, anthropomorphization, political ideology, religious ideology



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