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International Mediation In A Triangular Relationship; South Korean Mediation In The Us-North Korea Crisis 2017–2018

The study highlights the need to reassess traditional perspectives regarding mediators as purely external actors in the peace negotiation process (Beardsley et al., 2019; Vuković, 2016). It calls for a consideration of the implications of the engagement of inter-mediating actors who possess a triangular relationship, as they serve as both conflict parties and mediators in crisis management episodes. To illustrate this concept, I use the case of South Korea's critical role in de-escalating the US-North Korea crisis between 2017 and 2018, as a demonstration of triangular inter-mediation. In this scenario, the mediating actor holds a stake in the broader, intractable conflict in the Korean Peninsula. The analysis presented will sharpen our understanding of how, against this complex backdrop, inter-mediating actors involved in triangular relations, can effectively pursue various strategies, tactics, and power sources (Aall 2007; Carnevale 2002; Rubin 1992; Vuković 2016, 2020). These include strategic strengths and tactical strengths to de-escalate the tensions and affect the outcome of the process.

Amira Schiff
Bar-Ilan university


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