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IACM 2023

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Influence of Negotiatorsā€˜ Perceived Self-Efficacy On Negotiation Performance

It has been proven that high self-efficacy expectations have a positive influence on people's future performance. In terms of negotiation, this would imply that negotiators' self-efficacy expectations are an appropriate predictor of their negotiation performance. So far, previous research in this area has focused on examining that negotiator self-efficacy influences the choice of distributive and integrative negotiation tactics. However, the extent to which self-efficacy influences objective negotiation outcomes, which are particularly important for companies, has not yet been adequately investigated. Therefore, the present study investigates the direct relationship between self-efficacy and objective negotiation outcomes, i.e., negotiation effectiveness and negotiation efficiency, within the framework of an empirical experimental investigation. Proving a significant relationship would enable companies to optimize the use of their negotiators based on self-efficacy expectations and thus increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their negotiations.

Fabian Raphael Gebauer
University of Potsdam

Constanze Hermann
University of Hohenheim

Uta Herbst
University of Potsdam

Markus Voeth
University of Hohenheim


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