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IACM 2023

IACM 2023 Abstract Book

299 "Creativity is for the young": People underestimate the creativity of older workers
Brian Lucas, Mary Ross

119 “It’s All for Show”: Performative Allyship as Saying One Thing but Doing Nothing
Hsuan-Che (Brad) Huang

296 “Negotiations in the Wild: What Has the Negotiation Field Missed by Focusing on the Lab?”
NAZLI BHATIA, Amnah Ameen, Maurice Schweitzer

328 “Undivided” city in a divided post-conflict society of Kosovo: factors contributing to the peaceful coexistence of Albanians and Serbs in Kamenicë/Kamenica
Anđela Đorđević, Rok Zupančič

310 “You Must Interview This Candidate!”: Risky Sponsorship and Gender
Nazli Bhatia, Irene Scopelliti

9 (Possibly) ill-gotten gains: Disentangling the effects of competition and uncertainty on cheating
Andras Molnar, Gabriele Paolacci

102 50 Years of Multi-Person Negotiations Research: A new Taxonomy to Structure the Field
Hillie Aaldering, Adi Amit, Alfred Zerres

378 A Cognitive Balance Approach to Understanding Intergroup Attitudes in Post-Brexit Northern Ireland
Jack Loughnane

324 A Hidden Cost of Loneliness: People May Be Reluctant to Lead
Nuria Tolsa Caballero, Julia Lee Cunningham

231 A History of Harms: 5 Frames for Organizational Historical Accountability
Allegra Chen-Carrel

51 A License to Obliviousness: Positive Stereotypes Reduce Acknowledgement of Racial Discrimination
Danqiao Cheng

418 A Preference for Women Negotiating Partners: An Examination of Gender-Based Partner Effects in Negotiators’ Subjective Value
Charlotte Townsend, Laura Kray, Solène Delecourt

278 A psychological approach to intergenerational dimensions of group identities
David Reinhard

15 A Roundtable Discussion of Emerging Trends and Directions for Conflict and Group/Team Research (Table A)
Michael Gross, Mary Waller, Randall Peterson, Laurie Weingart, Etty Jehn

48 A Tale of Two (or More) Goals: Managing Goal Conflicts in Conversation
Alison Wood Brooks, Michael Yeomans, Michael Norton, Jennifer Abel, Michael Rosenblum, Julian Zlatev, Michael Slepian, Jared Curhan, Hillary Elfenbein, Shirli Kopelman, Rene Paulson, Zhiying(Bella) Ren, Einav Hart, Maurice Schweitzer

138 A threefold meta-analysis of economic first-offer effects in negotiations
Hannes M. Petrowsky, Lea Boecker, Yannik A. Escher, Marie-Lena Frech, Malte Friese, Brian Gunia, Alice J. Lee, Michael Schaerer, Martin Schweinsberg, Meikel Soliman, Roderick Swaab, Eve S. Troll, Marcel Weber, David D. Loschelder

151 A Transparency Statement Improves Community-Police Interactions
Andrea Dittmann, Kyle Dobson

396 A Turning Points analysis of Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Negotiations
Yadvinder Rana, Daniel Druckman, Jesus Canduela

53 Advances in Negotiation, Conflict Management, and Leadership Teaching
Cynthia Wang, Stephen Humphrey, Laura Rees, Niro Sivanathan , Lucy Montgomery

230 Advancing the AI and Negotiation Research
Huiru Evangeline Yang, Kate Bezrukova, Ray Friedman, Lindsey Schweitzer, James Hale, Edward Fast, Johnathan Mell, Jonathan Gratch, Laura Rees, Mehran Bahmani, Terri Griffith, Chester Spell, Vincent Rice, Markus Voeth, Michael Oryl , Nina Weinmann

149 Advantaged groups misperceive how allyship will be received
Hannah Birnbaum, Desman Wilson, Adam Waytz

70 Affecting employee conflict management behavior through supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior
Vera Hampel

215 Agent Selection and Belief Polarization in Distributive Bargaining
David Hagmann, Daniel Feiler

188 Amenability to AI and Employee Outcomes: Evidence from the Pandemic
Nikhil Madan, Deepa Mani, Madan Pillutla

73 An Attributional Approach to Workplace Gossip: Recipients’ Perceived Motives and Behavioral Reactions
Maria Kakarika, Helena Gonzalez-Gomez, Shiva Taghavi

116 An Exploration of Moralization’s Antecedents: The Head, The Heart, and The Hands
Samantha Kassirer, Isaac Smith, Maryam Kouchaki

412 Animated Agents in Negotiation
Lindsey Schweitzer, James Hale, Edward Fast, Johnathan Mell, Jonathan Gratch

376 Are reasoning styles politically stereotyped?
Justin Brienza

20 Are there gender differences in climbing up the ladder? Why experience matters more for women than men
Kristina Wald, Mabel Abraham, Brian Pike, Adam Galinsky

369 Asking Open-Ended Questions Increases Personal Gains in Negotiations
Matteo Di Stasi

84 Attributing False Information to Biased Beliefs versus Dishonesty: Consequences for Punishment and Trust
Laura Wallace, Emma Levine

372 Authentic Allyship? Feeling Authentic Increases Allyship Behavior via Greater Psychological Standing
Olivia Foster-Gimbel, Julianna Pillemer, L. Taylor Phillips

32 Backlashes or Boosts? How Warmth and Gender Stereotypes Interact to Predict Hireability
James Matusik, Rebecca Mitchell

97 Banding Together to Avoid Exploitation: Dominant (but not Prestige-Based) Leaders Motivate Collective Moral Opposition from Followers
Richard Ronay, Janneke Oostrom, Minnie She, Jon Maner

72 Behavior Announcement in Negotiation
Tina Dudenhöffer, Elisabeth Jäckel , Alfred Zerres, Joachim Hüffmeier

213 Beyond Consensus: A Theory of Dyadic Status Perception
William Fawson, Sebastien Brion, Anneloes Raes

420 Beyond Gender in Negotiation: Perceived Sexual Orientation and Negotiated Outcomes
Sreedhari Desai, Brian Gunia

David Hunsaker, Hong Zhang, Alice Lee

104 Beyond Service with a Smile: Individuating Intervention to Facilitate Conversations between Employees and Customers
Elizabeth Trinh, Julia Lee Cunningham

357 Boomerasking: Answering Your Own Questions
Alison Wood Brooks, Michael Yeomans, Michael Norton

239 Breaking Down Trust: A Qualitative Study on Conflict and Trust Perceptions at Multiple Level of Leadership
Jayci Pickering, Lindsey Greco, Anna Lennard, Federico Aime

403 Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling and Empowering Asians’ Leadership Advancement with Debate Training: A Preregistered, 18-Month Longitudinal Field Experiment
Jackson Lu, Michelle Zhao

341 Brokered Distances: A Model of Triadic Trust in Organizations
Nir Halevy, Eileen Chou, Emma Levine, Maurice Schweitzer

306 Building a Culture of Forgiveness in Collaborations (Table E)
Stephanie Menefee, Michelle Rebman

85 Building new possibilities for social liberation through communication
Giovanna Nicolau, Pablo de Assis

14 Call My Friends, When The Rain Starts To Pour? Reliance on Social Network Ties During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Teodora Tomova Shakur, Rellie Derfler-Rozin

Celia Moore, Minjie Gao, Juliane Schittek, Kate Coombs

194 Can Communication Increase Empathy and Perspective Taking in Online Discussions? A Pre-registered Systematic Review.
Charlotte Elisabeth Vaassen, Tijs van den Broek, Hillie Aaldering , Bianca Beersma

224 Can experience extinguish decision biases in conflict settings? Evidence from a five-year large-scale natural field experiment
David Daniels, Polly Kang

191 Can Personality Scores Be Used to Optimize Team Composition? Results from a hidden profile task using Machine Learning
Tianyu He, Nghi Truong, Phanish Puranam

171 Can You Hear Me Now? The Effect of Organizational Identification and Cognitive Dissonance on the Relationship Between Employee Propensity for Activism and Employee Insider Activism
Angela Schwartz

305 Can You Hear Me Now?: Speaking Up About Dangers of Speech Technology
Mike Teodorescu, Min Geiger, Lily Morse, Amanda Weirup

122 Capacity building for disputes resolution in public projects for building social infrastructure in developing countries: Applicability of IRP model is Southeast Asia.
Tetsushi Okumura

170 Change We Can’t Believe In: Distrust of Political Converts
Julian Zlatev, Amos Schurr, Nir Halevy

52 Cognitive Empathy’s Effect on Individuals’ Conflict Resolution Behavior and Success
Valentina Schneider, Randall Peterson

95 Cognitive factors that fuel intergroup conflicts or facilitate intergroup reconciliation
Anna Dorfman, Maayan Katzir, Manuel Becker, Justin Brienza, Eliran Halali, Jack Loughnane

120 Collaboration between Community Mediation Centers and Municipal Entities
Ephraim Tabory, Revital Hami Ziniman, Vardit Nevo

380 Collective Self Esteem and Dominant Group Allyship
Aastha Chadha, L. Taylor Phillips

368 Communicating a Willingness to Learn Improves Conflictual Conversations
Hanne Collins

265 Communication Contexts and Metaphors as a Way of Capturing Negotiators’ Cognition
Elena Poliakova, Leigh Anne Liu, Frieder Lempp

325 Competing under Oath: Can Honesty Pledges Prevent Cheating in Competitive Environments?
Ronit Montal-Rosenberg, Eyal Peer, Yuval Feldman

156 Conceptualizing and Measuring Hope During Conflict
Oded Adomi Leshem

209 Conferencing During Hard Times: A Hope, Skip, and a Jump (Table D)
Dan Druckman, Hillie Aaldering, Larry Crump, Francesco Marchi, Martin Euwema, Jimena Ramirez-Marin

193 Conflict Management in Organizational Structures of the Future: A Comparative Analysis Between Conflict Management in New Organizational Structures vs. Conflict Management in Traditional Organizational Structures
Mac Naggar, Ariel Avgar

74 Conflicting Voices of Campaigns for Healthcare Workers During COVID-19: Positive or Negative Depends on Culture
Wen Shan, Zhengkui Wang, Yun Su, Adam Loh, Terence Boey, Nikos Wee

80 Consistency of Exchange Signals Matters in Managerial Decision to Grant I-Deals: A Cognitive Dissonance Perspective
Maria Tomprou, Violet Ho, Amanuel Tekleab

Elinor Flynn

356 Conversational receptiveness transmits between parties and reduces affective polarization
Hanne Collins

313 Coping with Korean Conflict: Prisoner's Dilemma Unending
Karen Feste

7 Creatively engaging religious and other worldview differences
Michelle LeBaron, Andrew Acland

281 Crisis Management Following Allegations of Leader Sexual Misconduct: Avoiding Account Ambiguity to Lessen Public Moral Outrage
Rachael Goodwin, Samantha Dodson, Kristina Diekmann

323 Culture and Gender-Based Violence: A Conceptual Synthesis
Jana Raver, Jessie Kim

315 Culture Matters, But Not Always: How Cultural Impacts Vary Across Various Preventive Measures Against COVID-19
Wen Shan, Jovan Chew, Zhengkui Wang, Anurag Sharma, Aik Beng Ng, Simon See

174 Data Feminism at the Centre: Projects that Unsettle Gender and Racial Inequality
Michelle LeBaron , Karenjot Bhangoo Randhawa, Nikita Gupta

115 Deception in Disclosure Statements in Real Estate Negotiation
Peter Carnevale

234 Decoding Cultural Conflicts
Özgecan Koçak, Phanish Puranam, Afsar Yegin

25 Demographic “Stickiness”: Implications of Impact Aversion for Inequality and Diversity in Organizations
Edward Chang, Erika Kirgios

340 Differentiating Public Shaming and Attacks on Social Media: Targeting Ingroups and Outgroups
Deborah Cai, Colleen Tolan

339 Digital peacemaking in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Ronit Kampf

37 Digital Preliminary Proceedings: Minimizing Conflicts
Hanan Mandel

167 Diversity and Me: The Effect of Diversity on Employee Outcomes in Organizations
Samantha Kellar, Miguel Unzueta

272 Diversity Messages That Invite Allies to DEI Efforts
Kaylene McClanahan, Hannah Birnbaum, Margaret Shih

126 Do “Positive Events” Always Boost Engagement in Tasks? How and Why Positive Events Can Reduce Engagement in High-Risk Conflict Resolution Tasks
Polly Kang, David Daniels, Maurice Schweitzer

416 Do Women Ask for Less and Give-in More than Men do in a Negotiation? A Lab-based Study of Gender Gaps in Asking and Accommodating Behavior
Jenny Säve-Söderbergh , Christine Alamaa

17 Does a fault line bias exist?: When and how investor perceptions of start-up team divisions influence funding decisions
Jamie Perry, Chester Spell, Kate Bezrukova

350 Does challenging women to close the gender gap in competitiveness change their behavior? Evidence from the field
Sophia Pink, Jose Cervantez, Erika Kirgios, Edward Chang, Katherine Milkman

348 Does diversity count? Field and laboratory tests of real-time feedback to boost representation within organizations
Jose Cervantez, Sophia Pink, Linda Chang, Aneesh Rai, Katherine Milkman

30 Does it matter what we drink, or where we drink, or that we drink together? The impact of social interactions on negotiation performance now and in the future
Andrea Schneider, Angela Sutan, Adrian Borbely, Michael Moffitt, Daniele Fares

185 Doing the right things at the right time: How negotiators make tradeoffs in sequential resource allocation negotiations
Caroline Heydenbluth, Hillie Aaldering, Hong Zhang, Roman Trötschel

361 Don’t Step on My Toes – Longer Negotiation Dances Harm Satisfaction and Relationship
Zhiying(Bella) Ren, Einav Hart, Maurice Schweitzer

316 Dual Identity Mediation and Inter-Group Conflict: How Third-parties Can Manage Group Identities to Resolve Conflicts
Kian Siong Tey, David Loschelder, Roderick Swaab, Roman Trötschel

178 Dynamic Identities: Situational Relevance and Fluctuations in Team and Organizational Identification Activation Across the Workday
Lindsey Greco, Anna Lennard, Sherry Fu, Nikos Dimotakis

35 Early-Life Power and Self-Interested Behavior: The Interplay Between Past and Present
Chih-Chieh Chu, Raymond A. Friedman, Shu-Cheng Steve Chi

3 Economic segregation reduces concern about economic inequality
Shai Davidai, Daniela Goya-Tocchetto, Asher Lawson

344 Effects of Emotional Small Talk before a Virtual Exchange on Building Swift Trust
Laura Rees, Dejun Tony Kong, Liuba Belkin

146 EGALITARIANISM AND MANAGERIAL HIERARCHY: Exploring when and why egalitarians disfavor managerial hierarchy
Sangah Bae, Sean Fath

11 Embracing the human side of work: the process of shifting from maladaptive to adaptive perfectionism
Rachael Goodwin, Joel Gardner, Lyndon Garrett, Ali Block

413 Emotionally Intelligent Artificial Intelligence? Future Possibilities and Potential Pitfalls
Laura Rees, Mehran Bahmani

309 Epistemic Loyalty: Interpersonal Pressures and Political Closed-Mindedness
Trevor Spelman, Abdo Elnakouri, Nour Kteily, Eli Finkel

415 Ethical Issues of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Buyer-Supplier Negotiations
Markus Voeth, Michael Oryl , Nina Weinmann

349 Evaluating the efficacy of the Rooney Rule in promoting gender diversity
Linda Chang, Erika Kirgios, Aneesh Rai, Katherine Milkman

65 Examining Collaborative Intergroup Efforts during Times of Crises: The Case Study of the Israeli Jews-Arabs Agreements Council
Rachelly Ashwall-Yakar, Gilad Wiener, Shahar Lifshitz

401 Examining the role of reputation on negotiations for women in the wine industry
Hooria Jazaieri, Laura Kray

276 Expanding the Pie by Adding Issues at the Onset versus at the End of Negotiations--And can beer help craft win-win agreements?
Wolfgang Steinel

271 Exploring the Effects of Conflict Adaptivity: A Dynamic Model
Christine Straw, Nancy Lewis

173 Exploring the Task Space: A Multidimensional Representation of Team Tasks
Xinlan Hu, Linnea Gandhi, Mark Whiting, Abdullah Almaatouq, Duncan Watts

180 Exposure to Exceptional Minority Performers Shapes Racial Bias
Nir Halevy, Chelsea Lide, Preeti Vani, Alexander Landry

205 Federalism, Multiculturalism, and Israeli-Palestinian Relations: Qualitive and Quantitative Data
Ben Mollov

391 Feeling Seen: Eye Gaze Promotes Psychological Safety, Participation, and Voice
Nicole Abi-Esber

264 Finding The Way Out - A Political Courage Challenge
Peter T Coleman

100 Flirty? Friendly? Men's perceptions of female applicant nonverbal behavior in video interviews
Celia Chui, Emma Zhao, Rebekka Steiner, Eileen Suh

166 Follower Narcissism and Leader-Directed Behaviors: The Role of Relational Grandiosity
Judy Qiu, Selin Kesebir

118 Forgiveness as a Double-Edged Sword: When it Does (and Does Not) Lead to Transgressor Reparation Following Interpersonal Mistreatment at Work
Hsuan-Che (Brad) Huang, Daniel Skarlicki

45 From destructive to constructive conversations between groups in conflict: Cultural, ideological, ethnonational, religious and linguistic aspects
Ifat Maoz, Deborah Cai, Alexandra Shawan, Nitzan Faibish, Yifat Mor, Moshe Ma'oz, Yuval Benziman, Hanne Collins

392 From Theory to Practice and Back Again: Lessons from Hostage Negotiation for Conflict Management
Deborah Cai

105 From virility to virtue: the psychology of apology in honor cultures
Ying Lin, Nava Caluori, Engin Öztürk, Michele Gelfand

289 Gender Differences in Award Choice
Sandy Campbell

165 Gender Differences in Moral Decoupling
Judy Qiu, Gillian Ku, Beth Anne Helgason

189 Gender disparities in patent review outcomes are pronounced for more novel patent applications
Nikhil Madan, Deepa Mani, Rohin Vrajesh

177 Gender Gaps and Disparities in Negotiations, Organizations, and Conflict Management
David Daniels, Laura Kray, Jessica Kennedy, Margaret Lee, Christy Koval, Margaret Neale, Christine Nguyen, Francesca Gino, Elizabeth Campbell, Hooria Jazaieri

406 Gender Norms Uphold Whites’ Racial Boundaries
Amelia Stillwell

261 Gendered Benefits of Networks on Commitment : The Construal Perspective on Brokerage and Centrality
Hee Man Park, James Oldroyd, Mike Hendron, John Bingham, Alexander Keogh

346 Gendered benefits of passion for high potential designation
Joyce He, Jon Jachimowicz, Celia Moore

407 Gendered Helping, Hierarchy Maintenance, and Race
Vivian Xiao

337 Gendered Stereotypes and Political Conflicts: The Use of Gender and Sexuality in Social Media to Racialized and Dehumanized the Other
Yossi David

92 Gendered Time Surveillance and Suspicions at Work and in Professional Roles
Chia-Jung Tsay, Erin Reid

38 Getting to harm: The underexplored externalities of negotiation
Brian Gunia, Julia Bear

366 Giving Feedback on Others’ (Moral and Non-Moral) Shortcomings: A Meta-Analysis
Yena Kim

385 Giving people the words to say no makes them feel freer to say yes
Rachel Schlund, Roseanna Sommers, Vanessa Bohns

254 Goals and Means in Emotion Regulation within Groups
Yajun Cao, Amit Goldenberg

383 Group Prototypes and Capacity for Inclusion
Felix Danbold

359 Having and Keeping Secrets
Michael Slepian

351 Hebrew teachers as informal leaders of change: Palestinian teachers teaching the Hebrew language to Arab students in Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem
Alexandra Shawan

379 Helpful or Harmful? The Role of Ingroup Members as the Source of Evaluation in Stereotype Threat Contexts
Clarissa Cortland

249 Hierarchy, Dehumanization, and Perpetuation of Wrongdoing
Jiyin Cao, Siyu Yu

286 High-Stakes Overconfidence
Sandy Campbell, Don Moore

217 High-throughput experiments in small-group deliberation
James Houghton, Duncan Watts

354 Historical, cultural, and religious aspects of the difficult conversations between Muslims and Jews: The case of Temple Mount/ Al-Haram Al-Sharif as a contested site
Moshe Ma'oz

78 Homophily and Acrophily as Drivers of Political Segregation
Amit Goldenberg, James Gross

284 Honesty in Team Debriefs
Nathan Fulham, Matthew Diabes, Binyamin Cooper, Taya Cohen

304 How Artificial Intelligence Promotes Ethical Fading in Negotiation
Amanda Weirup, Lily Morse

133 How Do Leaders Behave When Their Position is Under Threat? Gender-dependent Responses to Leader Positional Insecurity and Implications for Team Information Exchange and Performance
Jin Wook Chang, Rosalind Chow, Anita Woolley

121 How emotional dynamics of employees in service organizations influence prosocial behavior following witnessing rudeness
Ido Zigdon, Dorit Efrat-Treister, Coby Morvinski

417 How gender and status shape productivity-related negotiations
Ashley Whillans, Hannah Riley Bowles

197 How Higher Intra-Household Status Differentially Affects Job Satisfaction for Women
Pooja Mishra, Subhasree Basak, Hirakjyoti Basak

370 How Leaders Build Relationships in High-Stakes Conversations
Evita Huai-ching Liu, Michael Yeomans

132 How low should buyers go? Understanding the first-offer conundrum in 26 million eBay negotiations
Martin Schweinsberg, Hannes M. Petrowsky, Burkhardt Funk, David D. Loschelder

94 How Perceived Lack of Benevolence Harms Trust of Algorithmic Management
Mingyu Li, T. Bradford Bitterly

164 How reputation does (and does not) drive people to punish without looking
Jillian Jordan, Nour Kteily

303 How Social Class Shapes Organizational Voice
Gohar Harutyunyan

107 How Time Management, Autonomy, and Flexibility Can Shape the Employee Experience
Ashley Whillans, Alice Lee-Yoon, Justine Murray, Sanford DeVoe, Rachel Schlund, Roseanna Sommers, Vanessa Bohns, Julia Hur, Rachel Ruttan, Jun Lin

163 How to Write Better
Selin Kesebir

59 Identification of Team Process Variables on the Relationship be-tween Conflict Types and Team Effectiveness - A Systematic Review
Nora Merz, Albert Vollmer, Oliver Rack

76 Improving Tough Conversations by Learning From Each Other
Matteo Di Stasi, Michael Yeomans, Ariella Kristal, Hanne Collins, Evita Huai-ching Liu

317 Improvisation Training increases Negotiators’ Creativity and Sometimes Their Outcomes
Fieke Harinck, Loes Dooren, Wolfgang Steinel

300 Individual Beliefs in Honor Cultural Values and Self-Interested Leadership
Gohar Harutyunyan

88 Individual Differences and Situational Constraint Predict Information Search in Negotiation Planning
Dai Quy Le, Daisung Jang

125 Influence of Negotiators‘ Perceived Self-Efficacy on Negotiation Performance
Fabian Raphael Gebauer, Constanze Hermann, Uta Herbst, Markus Voeth

353 Insta-Peace? Instagram Journalism in Israel as a platform that gives voice to marginalized groups and enables dialogue between Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian users
Yifat Mor

184 Integration of identities in the post-pandemic workplace
Yarin Sultan, Dorit Efrat-Treister

86 Integrative Agreements Do Not Negotiate Implementation Effort
Daisung Jang, Dai Quy Le

50 International mediation in a triangular relationship; South Korean Mediation in the US-North Korea Crisis 2017–2018
Amira Schiff

228 Intrapsychic Process Model of Serial Negotiations: The Influence of Past, Present, and Future Alternatives
John E. Sawyer, Robin L. Pinkley, Dustin J. Sleesman, Donald E. Conlon † Died January 16, 2023

19 Is In-kind Kinder than Cash? The Impact of Money vs. Food Aid on Social Emotions and Aid Take-up
Samantha Kassirer, Ata Jami, Maryam Kouchaki

338 Israeli and Palestinian Women for Peace: Using a social media platform to promote peace
Yiftach Ron, Camelia Suleiman, Ifat Maoz

375 It’s not racist if everybody does it, or is it? Normality, morality, and defensiveness in racism judgements
Manuel Becker

147 Language Strategies in International Conflict Management: A Framework for Dynamic Conflict De-Escalation
Elena Poliakova, Leigh Anne Liu, Edward Miles

158 Learning from Role Models of Hard Work Leads to Better Performance
Nuria Tolsá Caballero, Chia-Jung Tsay

384 Legitimizing "Deep Work": Collaboration Norms Can Reduce the Perceived Burden of Interruptions and Promote Employee Wellbeing
Ashley Whillans, Justine Murray

143 Lessons from Practice: Extensions of Current Negotiation Theory and Research
Jimena Ramirez Marin, Daniel Druckman, William Donohue

169 License to Discriminate: The Influence of Helping Women on Solo Women’s Reactions to Female Candidates in the Selection Process
Michelle Duguid

251 Linguistics of the mind and heart: Negotiating in native language is comfortable but not efficient
Adrian BARRAGAN DIAZ, Elena Poliakova, Jimena Y. Ramirez Marin, Francisco J. Medina Diaz

229 Local and Global Status Insecurities Independently Predict Compensatory Jargon Use
Zachariah Brown, Eric Anicich, Adam Galinsky

382 Location and Stress Impact Global Negotiations
Modupe Akinola

110 Look At Me Now! Identifying the Role that Evidence Plays in Dishonest Reporting
Samuel Skowronek

192 Managing Conflict in Public-Private Partnerships: Overcoming Adverse Selection of Substitute Services
Hsiang-Yun Peng, Chiung Yi Huang, Horng Show Koo

36 Mediator-plus (mediator+)
Yuval Benziman

381 Meta-ingroup favoritism: People presume more ingroup favoritism among outgroups than among ingroups
Sora Jun, L. Taylor Phillips

297 Mixed Messages: People of Color Receive More Conflicting Aggregated Feedback
Ting Zhang, Mike White, Tuna Hayirli, Modupe Akinola

49 Money Well Given: Donations Predict Social Capital Gains for Low SES, But Not High SES Individuals
Rui Sun

364 Moral Character Development at Work: The “Catalytic Moral Moments” (CMM) Model
Isaac Smith

252 Moral Conflict in Daily Life
Daniel Yudkin, Geoff Goodwin, Sudeep Bhatia

373 More Money, More Problems: When and Why Economic Issue Selling Frames Have Negative Effects on Leaders’ Support for Social Equity Issues
McKenzie Preston

18 Motherhood and Self-Advocacy at Work
Noa Nelson, Anat Herbst-Debby

267 Motivational underpinnings of gender differences in salary negotiations
Shayda Shwan, Alfred Zerres, Brooke Gazdag, Tanja Hentschel, Julia Bear

130 Navigating the Complexities of Conversations: Insights and Interventions for Positive Outcomes
Yaoxi Shi, Ovul Sezer, Sophia Li, Nicole Abi-Esber, Juliana Schroeder

77 Navigating the Female Agency Paradox: How Estrogen Cyclically Impacts Risk-Taking Behaviors
Rachel Hahn, Laurel Detert, Charleen Case, Anastasia Makhanova

4 Navigating the Path to Dispute Prevention and Early Resolution in Infrastructure Development Projects
Shahla Ali

159 Negotiating Expected Outcomes: Value Creation in Risky Contexts
Marco Schauer, Johann Majer, Roman Trötschel

93 Negotiating Peace in the Middle of a 60+ Violent Conflict: The Case of Colombia
Joan Lopez, Beth Fisher-Yoshida

139 Negotiating the Work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): An Integrative Conceptual Framework
Daphne Baldassari, Sandra Portocarrero , Hannah Bowles

francesco marchi

117 Negotiators deceive much less than we think: A theory of distrust in negotiation
Shira Garber-Lachish, Simone Moran, Boaz Keysar, Yoella Bereby-Meyer

246 Neoliberals and Technocrats: How Coalitions, Conflict, and Social Science Combine to Formulate Public Policy and Shape Public Opinion
William Bottom, John Bechara, Daisung Jang

103 Nested Conflicts and Cooperation: Bridging Intragroup Processes and Intergroup Relations
Clarissa Cortland, Sora Jun, Aastha Chadha, Modupe Akinola, Felix Danbold

13 Network versus Expertise: The Effect of One’s Path to Power on Conformity Behavior
Kelly Nault, Andy Yap, Michael Schaerer

113 Networks as Newsletters: The Effects of Female Network Connectedness on Gender Diversity Efforts
Jun Lin, Julia Hur

12 New Media in Entrenched Intergroup Conflict: From Radicalization, Polarization and Disengagement to Empowerment, Voice, and Dialogue
Maya de Vries, Noor Gommed, Yossi David, Yiftach Ron, Camelia Suleiman, Ifat Maoz, Ronit Kampf, Deborah Cai, Colleen Tolan, Peter Coleman

355 Not talking about the “end-game”: pseudo-negotiations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Yuval Benziman

29 Novel Insights into Who, Where, and Why We Trust
Einav Hart, T. Bradford Bitterly, Nir Halevy, Eileen Chou, Emma Levine, Maurice Schweitzer, Gerben Van Kleef, Seval Gündemir, Rohan Dunham, Astrid Homan, Laura Rees, Dejun Tony Kong, Liuba Belkin, Rachel Campagna

124 Novel session: Negotiation, Identity, and Justice:Pathways to Agreement
Daniel Druckman, Bruce Barry, Nimet Beriker, Peter Carnevale, William Donohue, Laura Rees

397 Now, women do ask: A call to update beliefs about the gender pay gap
Laura Kray, Jessica Kennedy, Margaret Lee

34 ODR , AI and the Human Factor
Karni Perlman

55 Organ donation decisions: Deviating from the status quo makes people feel vulnerable
Tehila Kogut, Marina Motsenok

69 Organizational Ombuds: A Necessary and Valuable Role
Natalie L. Gibson, William E. Hall, Mary Chavez Rudolph

367 Overcoming Interpersonal Barriers to Improve Performance Feedback Through Expected Candor
Ariella Kristal, Michael Yeomans

206 Pain or Gain? - The tactical use of one-sided preferences and its effect on negotiation outcomes
Tom Huhnke, Markus Voeth

Pooja Mishra, Hirakjyoti Basak, Subhasree Basak

108 Patience is a Virtue: The Effect of Counteroffer Timing on Integrative and Distributive Negotiation Outcomes
Lars Teichmann, Uta Herbst

307 Peering into the mental models of moral leaders through sermons: Quantifying occupational stereotypes of White (vs Black) evangelical pastors
Yejin Park

114 People Are Less Likely to Ask Gossips for Advice
Alexis Gordon, Maurice Schweitzer

268 People Use Algorithmic Advice to License the Expression of Prejudice
Beth Anne Helgason, Daniel Effron

342 Perils of Power: Perceived Culpability of Powerholders after Ambiguous Transgressions
Gerben Van Kleef, Seval Gündemir, Rohan Dunham, Astrid Homan

81 Personal Growth: The Latest Insights on How We Learn from Our Own and Others’ Failures
Yena Kim, Laura Wallace, Isaac Smith, Lauren Eskreis-Winkler, Erin Frey

190 Perspective-taking predicts success in coalition formation: An interactive panel study
Anabela Cantiani, Thorsten Erle, Frans Cruijssen, Goos Kant, Ilja van Beest

203 Playing Hardball in Claim Negotiations – The Impact of Hardball Tactics on the Business Relationship
Yannick Urbitsch, Markus Voeth

64 Please Apologize! The Negative Consequences of Soliciting Apologies
Carlina Conrad, Kelly Nault, Kriti Jain

187 Pluralizing Gender’s Barriers and Boosts: Intersections with Race and Age
Amelia Stillwell, Vivian Xiao, Gloria Cheng, Rebecca Ponce De Leon, Joyce He

279 Politeness: A Secret Weapon or a Silent Killer for Women in Negotiations?
Alice Lee, Claire Malcomb, Malia Mason

Lior Leiba, Hila Riemer

266 Predicting cooperative behavior in conflict management: The impact of political skill
Mehran Bahmani, Kevin Tasa, Mingshuang Ji

274 Race-based Impression Management for Organizational Activists
Arisa Viddayakorn, Allegra Chen-Carrel, Danielle Coon, Thor Mutuc

404 Race, Fatal Police Shootings, and Prosocial Behavior: Evidence From The United States
Polly Kang, David Daniels

402 Racial Discrimination in Online Job Negotiations
David Daniels, Polly Kang, Christy Koval

40 Reducing discrimination against job seekers with and without employment gaps
Ariella Kristal, Leonie Nicks, Jamie Gloor, Oliver Hauser

106 Relational Costs of Unexpected Cooperation in Distributive Negotiation

141 Reminders undermine impressions of genuine gratitude
Jiabi Wang, Shereen Chaudhry, Alex Koch

258 Removing barriers for disability at workplace based on inclusive leadership: A case study including employees with severe mental illness
Rocío López-Cabrera, Alicia Arenas, Euwema Martin, Francisco J. Medina

153 Rising to the challenge: The interactive effect of role overload and workplace impostor thoughts on effort and subsequent job performance
Basima Tewfik

211 Robot Mediation: The Source of Creative Solutions
Lin Adrian, Christina Vestergaard, Daniel Druckman

46 Roundtable: Interdisciplinary Perspective on Minimalization and De-Escalation of Conflicts (Table B)
Hanan Mandel, Rachelly Ashwall-Yakar, Revital Hami-Ziniman, Karni Perlman, Amira Schiff

145 Self-Affirmation Increases Men’s Openness to Women’s Dominance Behaviors
Chiara Trombini, Modupe Akinola, Hannah Riley Bowles

109 Sexual Misconduct Apologies Transfer Power from the Victimizer to the Victimized
Rachael Goodwin, Samantha Dodson, Kristina Diekmann

175 Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Contextualized Intersectionality Among Global Professionals.
Xin Lucy Liu, Michael Morris, Yihan Wang

318 Similarity attraction or similarity aversion? Cultural variation in perceptions of similar others
Gaoyuan Zhu, John Angus D. Hildreth

291 Sizing up Status Signals: An Integrative Framework
Zachariah Brown, Adam Galinsky

285 Smartphone Use Decreases Trustworthiness of Strangers
Sandy Campbell, Uri Gneezy

326 Social Media, Polarization, and Reconciliation in the Wet’suwet’en Coastal GasLink Conflict
Ted Perlmutter, David Carten, Rick Budwha, Jocelyn Franks

256 Speak up: Creating space for equitable group conversations among strangers
Katelynn Boland, Nicole Abi-Esber

257 Speaking of receptiveness: The role of receptive language in spoken and written conflict conversations
Burint Bevis, Michael Yeomans, Juliana Schroeder

207 Spot on - The “spotlight effect” of discourse particles in the first offer
Florian Mehlhase, Nicole Gotzner, Uta Herbst

221 Statistical Discrimination Against Minority Groups
David Hagmann, Sajons Gwendolin, Catherine Tinsley

27 Status as armor: We want status because it makes us feel safer
Jennifer Overbeck, Shannon Hawkes, Said Shafa, Josh Hodge

295 Status Conflict: When and How People Contest the Ordering versus Bases of Unequal Social Hierarchies
Yejin Park, L Taylor Phillips

386 Staying in Love from Far Away: How Moral Legitimacy of Telecommuting Sustains Identification and Commitment
Julia Hur, Rachel Ruttan, Jun Lin

253 Sticky Social Class: A Dynamic Perspective on Subjective Social Class in the Workplace
Elizabeth Johnson, L. Taylor Phillips, Julian Zlatev

60 Strategic adaptability in negotiation
Henrike Fitschen, Niels Pulles, Ellen Giebels, Bas Kollöffel, Aldis G. Sigurðardóttir

314 Strategic incivility: Trash-talking about competitors promotes intra-organizational cooperation
Jeremy Yip, Maurice Schweitzer, Nir Halevy

136 Structural beliefs, anger, and collective action: Conflicting beliefs and the willingness to act
Sophia Pink, Maurice Schweitzer

22 Suffered from Deep-Seated Childhood Shadows: Linking Childhood Emotional Abuse to Interpersonal Conflict at Work and Workplace Ostracism
Beini Liu, Minya Xu, Jingjing Yao

238 Support versus praise: Communicating critical feedback with benevolent honesty
Kori Krueger, Nathan Fulham, Binyamin Cooper, Emma Levine, Taya Cohen

98 Survival of the Flattest: Team Status Differentiation Influences How Negative Performance Feedback Impacts High-Status Member Addition and Team Performance
Yufei Zhong, Huisi (Jessica) Li, Xirong (Subrina) Shen, Jizhen Li

301 Teaching the Dynamic Nature of Negotiation Processes
Amanda Weirup, Melissa Manwaring, Lily Morse

75 Temporal Boundary Control as Determinant of Job Engagement: The Roles of Work-Family Balance Satisfaction and Work-Home Identity Conflict/Integration
Shiva Taghavi, Moumita Das Gyomlai, Dhruv Pratap Singh

142 The Capital it Takes to Simply Say “No”: Exploring How Childhood Home Income Relates to Effective Boundary Expression
Marie-Catherine Mignault, Vanessa Bohns

409 The Characteristics and Identities that Shape Perceptions of Diversity Expertise
Rebecca Ponce De Leon

255 The constraint of diversity: Diversity discourse invokes categorization threat
Charles Chu, Naomi Fa-Kaji

152 The correlation between preferred negotiation channels and conflict management styles In the age of hybrid work
Orna Kopolovich

408 The Darkside of Diversity Highlighting? Consequences of Disproportionate Visibility of Women and Racial Minority Nobel Laureates
Gloria Cheng

292 The Devaluation of Honest Leaders: Causes and Solutions
Elizabeth Huppert, Emma Levine

347 The differential effects of occupying higher hierarchical positioning on men and women’s perceptions of inequity
Sonya Mishra, Laura Kray, Cameron Anderson

157 The double-edged sword of workplace impostor thoughts on state creativity: Affective rumination and problem-solving pondering as competing mechanisms
Basima Tewfik, Daniel Kim

399 The effect of gender on receptiveness and curiosity in conversational conflict
Christine Nguyen, Michael Yeomans, Francesca Gino

David Hunsaker, Teng Zhang

96 The Effects of Cognitive over Affective Empathy on Team Conflict and Performance
Valentina Schneider, Randall Peterson

222 The Effects of Envy in Joint Decision Making: How Feeling Envious Affects Integrative Negotiations
Hong Zhang, Roman Trötschel, Peter M. Gollwitzer

290 The Effects of Supervisor Support and Status Loss on Employee Moral Disengagement and Unethical Pro-supervisor Behavior
Amber Johnson, Yingli Deng

135 The European Union facilitated negotiations for the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia (Table C)
Valon Murtezaj

363 The Failure Gap
Lauren Eskreis-Winkler

176 The fair AI: The use of AI mitigates negative reactions toward unfavorable decisions
Jungmin Choi, Melody Chao

410 The Gender License Gap: Gendered Barriers in the Engineering Licensing Process
Joyce He

198 The Geopolitics of the Kurdish Self-determination Conflict: Linking Recognition, Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Naif Bezwan, Abdurrahman Gülbeyaz

298 The Good in Evil: Decision-Makers Overestimate the Reputational Costs of Necessary Evils
Michael White, Stacia King, Emma Levine

414 The Impact of AI Gender Features on Human-AI Interaction
Huiru Evangeline Yang, Kate Bezrukova, Terri Griffith, Chester Spell, Vincent Rice

240 The joy of feeling known: Relationship satisfaction depends more on feeling known than knowing one’s partner
Juliana Schroeder, Ayelet Fishbach

71 The link between workspaces, workers’ territorial, and conflict behaviours
Oluremi B. ( Remi ) Ayoko, Aurelia Connelly

131 The Moral Foundations of Trust Violations in Work Relations: A Profile Approach
S. Arzu Wasti

360 The Mutual Satisfaction Effect in Negotiation: Subjective Value is Positively Associated Within Dyads Even When Objective Outcomes Are Inversely Related
Jared Curhan, Hillary Elfenbein, Shirli Kopelman, Rene Paulson

90 The Nexus between CEO Succession, CEO’s Subgroup Size Ratio and Strategic Change
Yue Zhang, Oluremi B (Remi) Ayoko

54 The Norm of Deference
Jennifer Dannals, Emily Reit, Deborah Gruenfeld

241 The Norms of Workplace Teasing: Teasers, Targets, and their Differing Experiences
Kori Krueger, Binyamin Cooper, Nathan Fulham, Laurie Weingart

405 The Other Criteria of Meritocracy: Relevance Beliefs Justify Discrimination as Fair
L. Taylor Phillips

270 The Paradox of Support: The Impact of Emotional and Practical Support on Physiological Stress
Olivia Jurkiewicz, Kylie Cassutt, Christopher Oveis

179 The Plurality Effect: People Behave More Unethically Toward Group than Individual Targets
Hsuan-Che (Brad) Huang, Ruodan Shao, Ann Tenbrunsel, Daniel Skarlicki, Kristina Diekmann

127 The Politics of Hope and the Politics of Skepticism: Power predicts expressions of hope among leaders of nations in conflict
Oded Adomi Leshem, ilana ushomirsky, Eran

68 The Power to Leverage Your Power: How Social Power Affects the Use of Negotiation-Specific Power
Alice Lee, Jessica Li, Adam Galinsky

287 The Powerful Threat of Promotions: When Subordinates Get Promoted to Your Level
Isaac Raymundo, Jennifer Abel, Dana Carney, Cameron Anderson, Adam Galinsky

389 The Psychology of “Ghosting”: Perception Gaps in the Causes and Consequences of Not Responding
Sophia Li, Juliana Schroeder

343 The Psychometrics of Deception and Trust
T. Bradford Bitterly

308 The punishment aggregation effect: When the same punishment appears more severe and increases punishment satisfaction
Simone Tang, Hajin Kim, Genevieve Helleringer

87 The relationship between willpower and intrinsic motivation
Ariella Kristal, Julian Zlatev

155 The Relationships Between Affect Dimensions and Level of Construal
Dorit Efrat-Treister, Shaul Oreg, Yaniv Dover

150 The Remote Revolution - Exploring the Effect of Home-Office on Negotiation Performance
Jacqueline Sube, Joana Kristin Roth, Uta Herbst, Markus Voeth

31 The Rich Get Richer: The Reciprocal Relationship between Power and Status
James Matusik, Rebecca Mitchell

204 The Role of Emotional Arousal and Regulation in Positive Reciprocity: A Biological Approach
Nir Milstein, Marina Rosenblatt, Maayan Katzir, Eliran Halali

371 The Role of Psychological Standing and Trustworthiness in Prospective Allies’ Willingness to Engage in Allyship Behavior
Preeti Vani

227 The Role of Roles: The Impact of Roles on Behavior and Norms in a Lab Experiment
Rafael Teixeira

352 The sense of belonging and intergroup attitudes in asymmetric protracted ethnonational conflict: East-Jerusalem Palestinian students at an Israeli academic setting
Nitzan Faibish

245 The Social Class Gap in Negotiation
Ying Lin, Michele Gelfand

28 The Three Minute Thesis Competition for IACM 2023
Ming-Hong Tsai, Laura Rees, Jennifer Parlamis, Michael Gross, Deborah Cai

374 The Unexpected Burden of Loyalty
Zachariah Berry

160 The Vicious Cycle of Status Insecurity
Maren Hoff, Adam Galinsky, Derek Rucker

41 The Zion Square Intercultural Dialogue Model: De-escalating Identity-Based Crises through Dialogue
Rachelly Ashwall-Yakar

320 Think Sexism, Perpetuate Sexism: How Husband’s Discriminatory Attitude affects Wife’s Labor Market Outcomes
Pooja Mishra, Hirakjyoti Basak, Subhasree Basak

223 Thinking Beyond the Negotiation Table: Mental Contrasting Promotes Inclusive Perspectives in Negotiations with Externalities
Kai Zhang, Hong Zhang, Roman Troetschel

237 Threshold Violations in Social Judgment
Ed O'Brien, Nadav Klein

336 TikTok_#Save_Sheikh_Jarrah: Strategies of activism and resistance to violence
Maya de Vries

311 Time Games
Peter Carnevale

129 To Litigate or Not: A Resource Dependence Perspective on Interorganizational Conflict Resolution
Sanbao Zhang, Zhi-Xue Zhang, Jingjing Yao

63 To take or not to take: Perceiving gendered norms in the case of parental leave
Jennifer Dannals, Julia Bear

Michalis Georgiou, Ellen Giebels, Miriam Oostinga, Remco Spithoven

358 Trading integrity for benevolence by avoiding political discussions
Jennifer Abel, Michael Rosenblum, Julian Zlatev

260 Transforming Conflict Through Embodied Leadership and Empathy-in-Action
Nikita Gupta, Karen Bhangoo Randhawa

111 Transforming Narratives for Effective Negotiation
Beth Fisher-Yoshida

42 Trust is a two-way street: Why trusting advisors are more persuasive
Uriel Haran, Ori Weisel

21 Trust or Harmony: The Myth of Information Exchange in Negotiations in East Asia
Jingjing Yao, Han Li, Zhi-Xue Zhang, Brett Jeanne

123 Trust repair in advice relationships
Ilan Torgovitsky, Uriel Haran

200 Turning Wolfs into Lambs - Promoting Ethical Behaviour through Ethical Guidelines in Negotiations
Nina Weinmann, Markus Voeth

140 U.S. conservatives or progressives: Whose ideological prejudice is stronger?
Johanna Woitzel, Alex Koch

62 Understand the Emotional Consequences of Hierarchy: Hierarchy Results in Unpleasant Emotions, Emotional Suppression, and Employee Disengagement
Siyu Yu, Jinyoung Sohn, Myeong-Gu Seo

39 Understanding and Addressing Organizational Inequality
Joyce He, Jon Jachimowicz, Celia Moore, Sonya Mishra, Laura Kray, Cameron Anderson, Jose Cervantez, Sophia Pink, Linda Chang, Aneesh Rai, Katherine Milkman, Erika Kirgios, Edward Chang

181 Understanding and Reducing Racial Gaps and Disparities in Negotiations, Organizations, and Conflict Settings
David Daniels, Polly Kang, Christy Koval, Jackson Lu, Michelle Zhao, L. Taylor Phillips

283 Understanding Normative Context in Integration of Muslim Immigrants: Intergroup Threat, Trust, and the Dilemma of Policies
Tamra Pearson d'Estree, Mariska Kappmeier

280 Understanding Third Party Forgiveness in Organizations
Sarah Jensen, Kristina Diekmann, Jesse Graham

134 Understanding Western Balkans’ Berlin Process – A Conflict Management Perspective
Valon Murtezaj

82 Unintended Consequences of Workplace Sexual Regulation: Reduced Cross-Sex Benevolence
Tania Reynolds, Karl Aquino, Simon Restubog

419 Unpacking Gender Differences in Negotiation: Distinguishing Actor and Partner Effects
Jared Curhan, Bushra Guenoun

400 Unpacking how conflicting organizational values and incentives reinforce gendered career support processes
Elizabeth Campbell

202 Upgrade the game - How to design a latent negotiation setting to achieve better negotiation outcomes
Sabrina Marx, Markus Voeth

322 Using the ITPmetrics Conflict Management Styles Instrument for Student, Faculty, and Staff Development
Thomas ONeill

411 Using Transformer Models for Negotiation Research
Ray Friedman

387 Vacation (vs. Monetary Rewards) Increases Humanization and Employee Well-Being: The Role of Work-Life Segregation
Alice Lee-Yoon, Sanford DeVoe

91 Voices for Change: An Examination of Voice Behaviors for Social and Moral Issues
McKenzie Preston

56 Walking the Tightrope Between Honesty and Harm: A Theory of Honest Engagement in Difficult Conversations Across People, Context, and Time
Emma Levine, Laura Wallace, Yena Kim

199 Walking the Tightrope: How Women Manage to Achieve Good Economic Negotiation Outcomes without Jeopardizing the Relationship with Their Counterpart
Melanie Lietz, Jens Mazei, Joachim Hueffmeier

345 We Are Less Envious of Those We Trust: Two Mitigating Roles of Trust on the Development of Envy and Harmful Behaviors
Einav Hart, Rachel Campagna

398 What did you expect? How first offers and gender shape job negotiation outcomes
David Daniels, Christy Koval, Margaret Neale

394 What Do You Expect?: Assessing Whether a Situation is “Ripe” for Collaborative Governance
Michael Kern, Amanda Murphy

293 What Motivates Americans to Build Bridges Across Our Divides? Studies on Framing and Fit Effects of Motivational Orientations on Constructive Engagement Across Political and Racial Differences
Peter Coleman, Lan Phan

390 What You Say in the Conversation Affects the Flow: Modeling Conversational Flow Using NLP Methods
Yaoxi Shi

275 When and How Gender Affects Outcomes and Relationships in Negotiation
Bushra Guenoun, Jared Curhan, Hannah Riley Bowles, Jenny Säve-Söderbergh , Christine Alamaa, Ashley Whillans, Charlotte Townsend, Laura Kray, Solène Delecourt, Sreedhari Desai, Brian Gunia

365 When and How Public Figures Make Professional Comebacks Following MeToo Accusations
Erin Frey

259 When And Why Hypocrisy Is Reputationally Costly
Elizabeth Huppert, Solomon Lister, Emma Levine

216 When and Why Implementing Bad AI Algorithms Feels Worse Than Self-Initiating Them
Bar Shlomo, Simone Moran, Amos Schurr

395 When Control Does Not Pay Off: The Dilemma Between Trade-off Opportunities and Budget Restrictions in B2B Negotiations
Michel Mann, Marco Warsitzka, Hong Zhang, Joachim Hüffmeier, Roman Trötschel

362 When Do Mindsets Predict Interest in a Culture of Growth vs. Genius? A Mindset Certainty Perspective
Laura Wallace

377 When Do We Open Up to New Information? The role of Wise Reasoning & Essentialism in Intergroup Conflict
Maayan Katzir, Eliran Halali, Anna Dorfman

33 When Rule Breaking in Art Falls Flat: Cultural Tightness Deflates Deviant Artists’ Impact
Eftychia Stamkou, Rohan Dunham, Matthew Pelowski, Ying Lin, Michele Gelfand

225 When The Scales Tip: Levels of Conflict for Executive Education Students
Robert Sapien, Prashant Budhale, Jesse Meldru, Natasha Poularkis, Angela Schwartz

244 When women do ask, does curiosity help?
Alexandra Mislin, Ece Tuncel, Lucie Prewitt

168 Who Has The Right to be an Ally?: Perceptions of Psychological Standing Shape Judgements of an Ally’s Trustworthiness and Trust
Preeti Vani

79 Women as change agents: Agent gender and change content interact to shape trust judgments & change acceptance
Carlina Conrad, Kriti Jain

393 Working Together: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap.
William Donohue, Daniel Druckman

26 WORKSHOP: Using the Vanderbilt Transformer AI Model for Negotiation Research
Ray Friedman, Jesse Spencer-Smith

269 You Don’t Tell Me What to Do: The Status Implications for Younger Female Managers of Providing Feedback
Julian Pfrombeck, Adam Galinsky

2 Zero-sum Aversion: The fear of conflict leads people to systematically avoid potentially valuable zero-sum situations
Shai Davidai, Michael White, Genevieve Gregorich


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