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Virtual IACM 2021

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Difficult disclosures: Effects of timing in revealing disability in the hiring process

Job interviews and negotiations are increasingly moving into virtual interactions, accelerated by the current levels of work-from-home happening around the world. The effects of this transition, whether via phone interactions or video-based platforms, has yet to be fully explored, especially for difficult decisions by candidates such as whether (and when) to disclose a disability and need for accommodations. By varying each the medium used in a simulated job interview and negotiation (video or audio-only), the timing of a disclosure (early, late, or not at all), and how much to request in terms of a salary increase from an initial figure given, we aim to explore these nuances. This research thus aims to extend both the academic literature (in terms of media richness theories as well as impression-making and bias) and has practical implications as well.

Terri Kurtzberg
Rutgers Business School
United States

Mason Ameri
Rutgers Business School
United States


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