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2019 International Association for Conflict Management Conference

IACM 2019 Abstract Book »

Managing Conflict through Communication

When do we decide to communicate, and what do we decide to say? This symposium on conflict and communication will illustrate several sub-optimal conversation phenomena, including hiding success, unwillingness to ask sensitive questions, and over apologizing. It will also highlight potential avenues for improving conversations, including increasing the frequency of pauses and the amount of silence, and keeping underlying tensions under wraps in situations where teams are highly aligned. Attendees will come away with a more nuanced understanding of why many common conversational strategies often fail to leave a good impression on others, and how to improve conversations—especially in times of conflict.

Nicole Abi-Esber  |
Harvard University
United States

Einav Hart  |
University of Pennsylvania
United States

Annabelle Roberts  |
University of Chicago
United States

Emma Levine  |
University of Chicago
United States

Ovul Sezer  |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
United States

Eric VanEpps  |
University of Utah
United States

Maurice Schweitzer  |
University of Pennsylvania
United States

Grant Donnelly  |
Ohio State University
United States

Alison Wood Brooks  |
Harvard University
United States

Lindred Greer  |
Stanford University
United States

Alisa Yu  |
Stanford University
United States

Preeti Srinavasan  |
Stanford University
United States

Jared Curhan  |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
United States

Jennifer Overbeck  |
Melbourne Business School
United States

Yeri Cho  |
University of La Verne
United States

Teng Zhang  |
Penn State Harrisburg
United States

Yu Yang  |
Shanghai Tech University


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