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Teaching Collaborative Governance
Keywords: Content: collaborative governance, public policy, curriculum development; Methodological: qualitative analysis
Abstract: Over the last decade, the term “collaborative governance” has received definition as it applies to facilitated/mediated, multiparty, consensus-seeking processes intended to resolve particular public policy challenges. This workshop will present, and build on, analysis of over 60 syllabi from courses at universities across the United States on collaborative governance and related topics. It will: 1) Explore how collaborative governance is being understood and taught at US universities; 2) Inform that instruction with US and international academic, practitioner, and “pracademic” perspectives, knowledge, and experience; and 3) Identify gaps and opportunities in current pedagogy. After a synopsis of common or notable curricular elements, the presenters will then describe as examples three graduate courses and an online certificate program relating to collaborative governance they have developed for four universities. The workshop will include moderated, interactive discussion among presenters and attendees, to promote an exchange of ideas and build on themes presented.